Build 361: – the snap to angle set functionality (which transformed offset screens to flexo screens, e.g. 45° to 37.5°) didn't work correctly for certain non-standard angles like 36.5°; – the dynamic density modulation used a different (coarser) pattern if the screen was generated in ripping time, rather than from the halftone tester; – the media sizing controls on the media toolbar failed if the resulting media size was a known size (e.g. Hamada 52); – text pre-press marks had wrong size for non-integer resolutions; – improvements on the bearer bar; – certain prepress mark settings weren't properly saved; – size edit boxes (with measuerent unit dropdown on their right side) had functionality issues; – the prepress mark group functionality didn't work in the imposition box. Build 360: – the X-Rite i1iSys spectrophotometer support added; – the wider choice of FM dots (slightly complicated for backward compatibility) had bugs (inconsistent FM dot shapes). Build 359: – the Test screen window displayed corrupt data for negative job styles with the 'Invert dot shape in negative mode' option unchecked and with the dynamic density modulation turned on; – the 'Invert dot shape in negative mode' option wasn't applied consistently; – the text data of text marks were displayed in the graphic object field; – the positioning interface of the pre-press marks crashed; – Erase option added to pre-press marks: if turned on, the mark will act in an opposite way, transforming black into white instead of transforming white into black; – group functionality added to pre-press marks (v5 only): several marks can be grouped together to act as a single mark object; – predefined Bearer bar mark added (v5 only); – the Real shade calculation of the Check dot window wasn't correct in certain situations; – the Mutoh driver used wrong settings for the MUTOH XPJ-1642WR model due to a missing parameter in the Engines.ini; – the window placement was inconsistent across the Windows version range in case of high resolution monitors (Win7 needs correction, Win10-11 solves it automatically); Build 358: – test settings for EPSON SC-P5300 added (to be fine tuned later) – a processing crash fixed Build 357: – The Job style > Imaging > Emulate high resolution by using 4 channels on half resolution feature failed if dynamic density modulation was turned off. Probably the bug wasn't noticed so far by anyone because the typical usage was 2880/2400 dpi emulated on 1440/1200 dpi, which at its turn only makes sense with DDM turned on. Build 356: – the dots of the stochastic (FM) screening can be chosen now from a much wider variety, including square and rectangle shapes (such as 3×4, 4×3, 4×4, 4×5, 5×4, 5×5); – the pillar dot functionality returned to its original functionality, allowing bigger (pillar) dots to be added first, then after the pillar dots reached a given density (e.g. 20% of dots), the normal dots (with smaller sizes) will be placed and then increased until they reach the size of the pillar dots; – the Epson2.dll now supports the drying time after scan/page options too. Build 355: – the density modulation failed on spot colors with names of 3 characters (from user point of view, inkjet printers with density modulation caused overinking separations like 'abc'); – the Client app had various GUI issues (windows on wrong places, buttons having bad behavior). Build 354: – the Epson2.dll didn't receive the Channel alignment and Custom separations fields properly, resulting in randomly unaligned (or in case of custom separations, even completely missing) channels; – support added for the ET-18100 series of printers (to be tested for L18050 too, it may produce better results!); – the feed adjustment page changed to A4, so it fits into any printer, including small desktop A4 printers; – eject roller (star wheel) control added to Epson2.dll. Build 353: – pre-press marks in negative mode, particularly with density modulation turned on, had various issues; – text marks didn't work in contone mode since a recent fix; – the [ColorName] field (in pre-press mark or job info) could contain special characters like '|' or '&'. Build 352: – the 720 dpi proof and photo printing profiles improvement was only correct in build 346, but no proof profiled could be installed in builds 347-351 due to a wrong file version; – the media width setting on the media toolbar didn't always work; – the media toolbar had the almost never used bleed setting instead of the frequently used gap setting, confusing many StudioRIP operators; – stability issues with the media size settings. Build 351: – certain EPSON SureColor P7500/9500 models failed to print the proof label due to an ESC/P command compatibility issue between the P5/6/7/8/9000 and the P7500/9500; – the density of the text marks was inverted for density modulated jobs (e.g. a 25% text mark was printed with 75% ink density); – paletted TIFF files added to the supported TIFF formats; – contone TIFF images opened for rasterization were resampled with antialiasing instead the closest neighbor algorithm, potentially resulting in less sharper edges; – the item manager had stability issues, fixed. Build 350: – empty color names (which normally weren't supposed to be) could crash the TiffDriver.dll; – in certain (rare) cases empty color names were saved to the *.rip files; – the names of the ripped PDF file names weren't correctly handled as unicode through the entire processing chain, causing crash for certain (typically Chinese) file names. – the Job information task didn't correctly detect whether an indirectly referenced information was plate or sheet related (e.g. if the [PlateInkArea] field was referenced by [NewUserField] was erronously detected as sheet related), producing corrupt values on sheet level (instead of being ignored). – the preview related fixes of build 347-348 caused wrong values in the dotmeter functionality. – devices with density modulation and negative mode (typically inkjets printing negative films) didn't handle the OFF state of the 'Invert entire media' setting. – creating copies of folders crashed the ItemManager, then subsequent operations failed. Build 349: – Mutoh RJ-900X printer and job styles added. Build 348: – further bug fixed in the preview system, causing crash or corrupt image for unusual curves; Build 347: – the input hot folder system randomly erased certain folders in case of folder-based job style structures; – the preview system could produce corrupt image on low magnification in case of transfer curves which transformed pure 100% tints into halftones (e.g. 100%->80%); – the head calibration test for the EPSON SC-Tx700 printers printed corrupt image since Epson2.dll sets up the page size from build 345; Build 346: – 720 dpi proof and photo printing profiles added to the Tx200 printers. Build 345: – The Epson2.dll had corrupt image at the top and bottom of the page with the accurate size optimized setting. – The Epson2.dll didn't handle the media paths correctly, causing wrong media type errors on the EPSON SC-Tx700 series. – The Epson2.dll didn't handle the top/bottom parts of desktop printers correctly (which can pull back the paper from the platen at the beginning of the page), so it had wrong margins on these printers (e.g. L18050, ET-18100). – All predefined job styles for the EPSON SC-Tx700 series are explicitly set to Roll feed, avoiding wrong media type errors. – All predefined job styles have the 'Convert device gray to K', 'Disable embedded CIE color spaces' and 'Override embedded ICC profiles' options turned on from this build on, resulting in less unwanted rich black instead of pure K separations. Build 344: – The Epson2.dll update for the L18050 wasn't included in build 342. Build 343: – Manually modified (and therefore slightly incorrect job) styles (such as the Tx400 DTF job styles) could crash the Print manager, typically for the second printed page. Build 342: – EPSON EcoTank L18050 added to the list of DTF printers with all 6 channels filled with black ink. This is the new recommended A3 model for film separations. Build 341: – The second roll wasn't controlled correctly by the Epson2.dll. Build 340: – The Epson2.dll printed corrupt image with double head printers and head#2 only. – The channel alignment procedure offers now to set up the alignment result to all created job styles (not just the one used for printing the test). Build 339: – The Epson2.dll now uses bidirectional TCP/IP communication; – The channel alignment for the new EPSON printers (particularly the Tx700) is now handled from the Add print engine wizard; – The feed adjustment wizard procedure is now compatible with the Tx700 printers too. Build 338: – Negative mode didn't work in build 337 for the new Tx700 devices. Build 337: – Certain modules needed for the new Tx700 devices were missing/outdated in build 336. Build 336: – The EPSON Tx700 is now driven with our new Epson driver (rewritten from scratch), called Epson2.dll (rather than with the nearly useless EPSON-HTM module of build 331). Epson2.dll provides similar quality and functionality for the Tx700 as the Epson.dll does for the other T series printers (real 2400×2400 dpi resolution, RIP-based MicroWeaving with fading and quality settings, full control of PK/MK inks, control of head 1/2/1&2 etc.). Note that the head alignment is very important, and is yet not fully built into StudioRIP, the EpsonHeadTest.exe utility has to be used for it. – Transfer functions for bitmaps had faulty implementation. – Bigger buffer for rendering patterns, solving speed issues or rare situations. – Spot plates could have garbage in rare situations. – Spot colors created by ESKO systems with Cxxx names (e.g. C4, C13) are always overwritten with the newly incoming color. Build 335: – the dot chunk removal didn't work correctly for big minimum sizes; – ripping instability fixed. Build 334: – the Canon driver had problems with the negative mode, as well as with the TCP/IP protocol. Build 333: – build 332 still had a crash related to the contone proofing support. Build 332: – the contone proofing support of build 331 caused crash on halftone-only devices – jobs with more than 8 colors could crash in rare situations – further improvements on the Tx700 support Build 331: – EPSON Tx700 support added – contone proofing support added Build 330: – Old i1 spectrophotometers had problems with the last rows of charts. – Various client app related issues (calibration curves not saved, visual problems) Build 329: – Further improvements in the SpectroProofer code of the EPSON P7500/9500 series. – New Mutoh models added. Build 328: – The TCP/IP fix of build 326 was wrong, the real cause was the wrong order of the form feed and exit graphic mode commands (which at its turn was messed up by the SpectroProofer improvements). This command order is now fixed, while the TCP/IP shutdown command is sent as before build 326. – The EPSON P7500/9500 drivers ignored the busy state of the printer, leading to various issues (including SpectroProofer failure). Build 327: – The client-server communication enhancement of build 326 caused performance issues in certain situations. – Build 326 had window positioning issues on high dpi screens. – The proof report generation failed. Build 326: – The TCP/IP communication fix of build 259 still didn't work for all printers: certain printers expect a TCP shutdown call before ejecting the paper and getting in Idle/Ready state. – Curves with * sign (which turns off the smoothing for the given node) didn't work consistently (or even could crash). – Clicking the Add imposition style button and then cancelling the dialog still created an imposition style. – The stability of the client-server communication enhanced by a hash-based system. Build 325: – registration color detection failed in special situations with spot colors involved. Build 324: – jobs printed while using the EPSON SpectroProofer were slow, now they work on full speed. – the tiff writer module could crash in certain situations. Build 323: – dongles with certain license configurations could crash the RIP. Build 322: – Wrong halftone values (angle, frequency) detected in a few cases, especially when spot colors or multiple halftones per page were used. Build 321: – The memory leak fix of 320 could trigger an invalid pointer operation error in certain conditions. Build 320: – The EPSON SC-P7500/9500 printers, used as proofers, had overinking problem due to a faulty setting. WARNING!!! Printers profiled with the old setting will print wrong colors after the upgrade! – Sheet width and height fields added to the Job info and Pre-press mark text definitions (available as mm, cm, inches or pixels); – Bug fixes in the dot shoulder and hybrid screening codes; – Memory leak removed from the server app; – The creation of Windows printers and TCP ports can be disabled or limited from the Server options; Build 319: – speed improvements of the MicroWeaving algorithm initialization (less delay at the beginning of each printing on EPSON printers); – field dropdown lists added to output folder definitions in the job style dialog (ink duct control, export image, saving TIFF, job information), allowing date, time, job name etc. to be included into the output path; – exporting cached halftone dot files sometimes failed due to hash generation issues; – The Photoshop private tag added to the outgoing TIFF file by build 287 (which defined the color of each TIFF) was stored in a slightly wrong way for color names with odd number of characters (e.g. 'Black'), rejected by certain readers (such as Photoshop itself); Build 318: – the dH formula in the proofing evaluation form was wrong, causing occasional certification failure; – the dH behavior of the primary colors improved; – the pillar dot size box incorrectly handled in the client app. Build 317: – bug fix in the host-slave architecture causing the slaves occasionally disconnecting. Build 316: – speed improvements regarding the dotmeter tool and the preview system. Build 315: – the M factor setting has been removed by mistake from the SpectroProofer devices, now it's back. Build 314: – the values of the History tab in the Settings dialog of the Print manager could have been reset by editing values only in the other tabs of the dialog, potentially leading to data loss in the history. Build 313: – IMPORTANT!!! In certain conditions – typically when profiling two different papers – the profiling wizard did't erase the previous measurements correctly, so the old measurements were added to the new ones. Sometimes this caused just small errors, other times completely wrong profiles (depending on how different the previous measurements were). – The page number overlay was missing in the imposition view. – No test proof page was printed with the Techckon spectrophotometer. – When a job had spot colors and lots of trapping operations occurred in a restricted area (e.g., internal image trapping) some artifacts might have appeared. Build 312: – Cartridge configurations added to the EPSON SureColor Tx100/x400/x405 models, optimized for the head design. For example the twin channel of C1 is Y2 (and not C2!), so using these two together produces better quality. The wizard now offers the best quality solutions for high speed and high quality. Build 311: – Halftone proof jobs with marks containing more chanels than the job itself (e.g. CMYK mark but pantone job) could crash the RIP. Build 310: – TIFF files with two layers (e.g. DDM) could crash the Print manager. Build 309: – The Photoshop private tag added by build 287 which defined the color of each TIFF in terms of Lab/RGB/CMYK could crash for Lab colors with negative 'a' or 'b' values (this could happen for proof wizards). – Joining curves with "Avarage curve" sometimes failed. – The "Create new folder" button of the item managers sometimes failed. Build 308: – New paper media paths defined for EPSON printers: beside the cassette, manual feed and roll feed, the second roll and front feed has also been added; – The above paths can be assigned to any ESC/P codes for the printer models which don't support the standard codes: the "PaperPath = n1, n2, n3, n4, n5" line can be added to the Engines.ini, where the numbers are the codesfor the given media path; in case of two-digit numbers, the first digit means a nonzero "m2" parameter (e.g. "21" means m1 = 1, m2 = 2, while "1" means m1 = 1, m2 = 0); – Software based feed adjustment implemented for printers which don't support the feed adjustment from firmware: the "SoftFeedAdjustment = 1" line can be added to the Engines.ini for such printer models, ideally with the "BaseResolution = 5760" line (assuming the printer does support it); – the UniDirectional parameter in the Engines.ini now supports the value 3 too, meaning right-to-left unidirectional (which on certain may greatly improve the horizontal accuracy); – the SendMono pamareter was added to the Engines.ini, allowing the monochrome mode to be sent to certain printer model (which can block the right-to-left unidirectional mode). Build 307: – The onscreen dotmeter tool didn't work on older CPUs (not supporting the AVX2 instruction set). Build 306: – On certain Windows versions the MS Visual C redistributable didn't come pre-installed, so from now the StudioRIP Setup installs the MSVC redistributable as well. Build 305: – Certain EPSON models were't properly woken up from sleep state. – Dongle driver updated to 12.2022. Build 304: – Further fixes regarding the bug fix of build 303. – Further improvements regarding the spectrophotometer drivers (particularly the IO Table). Build 303: – Fixed a malfunction when many spot colored shades were involved in trapping. Build 302: – The X-Rite i1 Pro 1-3 plugins, including their i1IO versions, have been improved (better patch recognition, bug fixes etc.). Yet the i1 Pro 2 with IO table only works in M0 mode (use it manually for M1/2 modes). – The Test proof wizard didn't work with certain spectrophotometer models. – The “rectfill” posrtscript operator caused overprint problems in very rare cases (e.g. the „I” caracter could be lost in Postscript). – Rare crash fixed for nostandard declaration of registration color spaces. – PDF markups are now rendered if the Interpretation > Render PDF annotations is checked. Build 301: – The preview responsiveness improvement of build 300 caused a problem in the Print manager. Build 300: – Performing workflow tasks (e.g. ink duct control or image export) on a multi-page job with Imaging > Print job after 0 seconds option being set (that is, processing the job and the workflow tasks simultaneously) could mess up the workflow results (typically duplicated pages), due to an implementation fault of the job file multitask protection. – The status feedback quality of the Tx100/x400/x405 printers is now identical to the Tx200 series: the printed jobs stay on 100% until the printer goes into idle mode. That's because the TCP/IP fix of Build 259 allows the the printer to go into idle state (before it was waiting for the TCP Shutdown command), so there's no need for the Engines.ini > TreatWaitAsIdle=1 workaround anymore. – The inter-page delay feature fixed by 297 was defaulted to 2 seconds, this is now changed to 0. – Small GUI improvements (wrong hint size on high DPI screens, version number displayed in the status bar). – Better preview responsiveness during job processing. Build 299: – joining the endings of thin lines on high resolution wasn't done accurately; – setting the Image Cache Buffer Count to None will instruct the rendering engine to stop using high level bitmap rendering (converting all pixels into rectangles instead); this may help in extreme cases (bitmaps cut into millions of slices by the DTP app or by the flattening process). Build 298: – registration colors could be altered by the color management; – certain halftone map settings could cause crash; – TIFF files with too long names weren't accepted and caused GUI problems in the print manager. Build 297: – Fogra 51 and 52 ICC profiles added – the setup of 296 could fail on certain computers – the inter-page delay feature of the Print manager didn't work correctly Build 296: – transparency flattening optimized for keeping CMYK values unchanged as much as possible Build 295: – 1200 K and 600 CMYK job styles added to Mutoh 1642; – the rendering engine now handles 4 halftone screen layers (limited to 3 before); – the ARM64 fix of 294 raised an error message on older Windows versions which weren't aware of the ARM64 environment. Build 294: – Mutoh 1642 added, yet with 1200 dpi CMYK job styles – Postscript driver for Windows ARM64 added (for Mac ARM64 computers running Windows via Parallels). – when the Job style > Ink duct control > File name format contains [InkName], the ink name isn't added anymore for the ink duct control file formats using separate files for separations. Build 293: – color names containing characters like CR or LF could mess up the color system, they are now filtered out. Build 292: – images with indexed color space and non-identity Decode array were rendered erroneously; – improvements to the FastShift flexo screening technology Build 291: – upgrade to GS 9.56.1 (note that there may be compatibility issues due to the major changes, downgrade to 290 in case of interpretation problems!) – for complex pattern fills in rare cases a crash might have occured due to a bug in the Postscript/PDF garbage collector Build 290: – the MicroWeave speed improvement of bulid 288 caused crash for pages shorter than 5760 pixels (2 inches on 2880 dpi, 4 inches on 1440 dpi etc.), typically proof checks failed on proofers (while the calibration charts did print because they were large enough). – the ESKO workflow integration of build 284 didn't allow the use of the network paths (e.g. "\\HostName\SharedFolder"). Build 289: – the Print manager.exe was missing in the past few builds, causing unpredictabe behavior on upgrades, and inability to print on fresh installs. Build 288: – the RIP-based MicroWeave algorithm of the EPSON driver could cause a long delay (in extreme cases up to 30-60 seconds) at the beginning of large format jobs; now the delay is short, and doesn't depend anymore on the job size; – DTF job styles added for the small desktop EcoTank printers. Build 287: – the Add print engine wizard skipped didn't copy the pre-defined calibration files in certain cases; – unchecking the "Override explicitly specified angles..." option could lead to wrong screen angles; – the version of the i1 Pro 2 driver was wrong; – the screen related data didn't always appear correctly in the toolbar of the Separations view; – Crop tool improvements; – the TIFF files created by the Server app now contain a Photoshop private tag which defines the RGB/Lab/CMYK color of the separation (for preview purposes). Build 286: – the SpectroProofer module had a data deallocation bug which could randomly crash the Print manager (and since the dot shoulder improvements, the likelyhood of crashes became so high that it was unusable). – incorrect logging for the above bug caused build 285 to not work with spectrophotometers at all. – Exile devices added to Engines.ini – EPSON SC-P7500/9500 could report paper size mismatch – EPSON SC-P7500/9500 had wrong borderless printing params – InkEsko added to file name fields, producing similar result to InkShort, except that "PANTONE 123 CVC book' will become 'pantone 123 C' (canonical 'pantone N X' format, where N is a number, X is a single-char suffix). – the folder creation output now accepts [DATETIME] or [DATETIME "formatstring"] fields, where the formatting string variables are defined here: A simple [DATETIME] is defaulted to [DATETIME ""], producing result like "02.06.2022". Build 285: – the DI driver didn't set up the ink file properly. – the CMYK order improvement had a bug, causing various issues (e.g. wrong color name declared in the output TIFF file). Build 284: – tools added for ESKO workflow integration: (1) Job style > Job input > Workflow integration will specify subfolders within C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\Hot folder\[JOBSTYLE] to where the the incoming PDF file will be placed during the various stages of processing; (2) Job style > Saving TIFF > TIFF hot folder location now recognizes two further hot fields: [HOTFOLDER] and [JOBNAME], using which the job output can be redirected to the ESKO-compliant location [HOTFOLDER]\Output\[JOBNAME]\ – the DPI setting of the ink duct control didn't work for the bitmaps (BMP didn't have any resolution encoded, JPG and TIFF had 50 dpi hardcoded regardless of the actual resolution); – the newly added dot shoulder GUI had a bug (kept the dot shoulder setting turned on); – jobs which were set to automatic printing (without waiting for user approval) were supposed to wait for user interaction if there were errors encountered, but this functionality didn't work correctly; – the Job style > Imaging > CMYK order box now accepts digits too, so for example "12KCMY" means that the first two colors to output will be the first two spot colors, then black, cyan, magenta and yellow, followed by any further colors which have not been output yet. Build 283: – the Print manager didn't work due to a GUI component issue. Build 282: – soft licenses didn't work in build 281. Build 281: – the dot shoulder feature could crash the RasterCore if the shoulders touched each other; – the dot shoulder feature didn't work correctly together with the 'Forced shape for smallest highlight dot' feature (the shoulder appearing in the wrong time and wrong place); – the dot shoulder feature didn't work through the Print manager, only if the TIFF was directly exported from the Server. Build 280: – the speed improvement of the black tint texture feature (around build 256) didn't work together with the dot chunk removal feature, now they do. Build 279: – IMPORTANT! New feature added for flexo CTP users: dot shoulder (see the new tab in the screen settings); – according to the Adobe specs, the missing boxes should be defaulted to the crop box, but instead they were defaulted to the media box; – pre-defined job styles created by the Add print engine wizard could have missing files. Build 278: – the pre-press marks stopped working from the imposition toolbar since the item manager speed enhancements of 275. Build 277: – the Server app could freeze on startup (item management vs. history) Build 276: – checking media items separately didn't send them to the output Build 275: – IMPORTANT! The item manager could cause delays (most noticeably in the preview system), this has been now improved. Significant improvements are expected in preview related user experience for multi-user environments. – i1 Pro 2 issues (problems with M1 measurement mode in strip and spot modes fixed now) – Show main/secondary toolbar menu bugs fixed – Enabled style selection when opening jobs with no permission for Jobstyles – Ability to move sheets with the arrows – further client stability issues Build 274: – further bug fixed in the item manager causing client app stability issues – the M1 mode of i1 Pro 2 didn't work correctly Build 273: – a bug in the item manager module made the client app unstable Build 272 (removed due to critical bug): – a version problem the Engines.ini file still prevented the proofing and photo printing job styles for the P7500/9500 (added in build 270) from working; – the 16+ component bitmap fix of build 270 introduced another bug, which sometimes could lead to corrupt output; – in multi-user environment the preview of one user was reset when another user started/finished ripping a job. Build 271 (removed due to critical bug): – the proofing and photo printing job styles of build 270 were included but not linked in the Engines.ini file; – the fix of build 267 regarding the pixel-level rounding of line widths caused various other issues; by the time it will be fixed, the old settings will be used again. Build 270 (removed due to critical bug): – the EPSON SC-T7500/9500 models couldn't use the violet ink – the profiling base job styles for the above models didn't contain the OGV inks – the above models didn't have proofing and photo printing job styles – the SpectroProofer didn't work for the above models – bitmaps with more than 16 componens or with registration color could crash the RIP Build 269: – the Client could crash in the Contone/Halftone wizard for printers with O/G/V inks – the copy job command could crash the Client – missing Reader setup parameter could produce wrong transparency flattening – the Separations > Ink exceptions > Never convert to process option now keeps the spot color as separate color unless the Separations > General > Output > Ignore ink exceptions option is checked (which is the old functionality, the inks marked as not needing CMYK conversion will be ignored in case of spot to process conversion). – in very rare cases (8+ colors, complex shading fills, trapping) the RIP could crash, the chances of this crash is now extremely small (fully safe solution only in the upcoming v5); Build 268: – The EPSON improvement of build 259 (TCP channel not closed properly) applied to the Mutoh plugin too; – further issues with the raster proof wizard vs. SpectroProofer, the wizard is now tested and working. Build 267: – Techkon SpectroDens support added; – multiple screen types per page could crash for multi-layer screening types (e.g. density modulated inkjet or shoulder enhanced flexo output); – density modulated TIFF files are now flattened into single layer if not sent to Print managers but to third party TIFF catchers; – the raster proof wizard didn't work correctly, especially with SpectroProofer; – the line widhts weren't correct on pixel level; – upgrades from v3 could crash since build 220, the new calibration curve parameter wasn't created for v3 -> v4 upgrades. Build 266: – compatibility issues with the i1iO tables solved; – the 'M' suffix added to the custom binding suffixes, so now '2M' means page 2 mirrored, '3RM' means page 3 rotated right and mirrored. Build 265: – The limits functionality didn't work correctly when 0% was supposed to print as nonzero value. Build 264: – IMPORTANT!!! The proof crash fix of build 261 caused the patch generation to freeze in certain conditions; – further fine tuning of the scroll bar functionality in the client app; – the search field of the item manager controls was partially covered in high DPI environment. Build 263: – IMPORTANT!!! So far the SpectroProofer only worked on the P5000, now it works on the entire P6000-9000 range (to have one common SpectroProofer device for the entire range, the P5000 has lost 12 mm of the maximum available width); – the Up/Down and PgUp/PgDown functionalities of the Client app scrollbars didn't work well ; – the creep control disappeared from the imposition dialog; – the proof linearization curves imported with proof job styles became empty in certain circumstances; – the special color calibration of the contone proof wizard displayed white patches for OGV-only patches, and gave wrong measurement warnings as well; – the Model and Software tags are now accessible from the TIFF output PM plugin too (so far it was only accessible for the TIFF files created by the Server app); – the printer and spectrophotometer names were swapped in the proof report. Build 262: – the ink duct control could fail for press profiles created with an earlier build than 237 (in which the Ryobi DEM support has been added); – the Convert spot to CMYK option had various problems in conjunction with the Ink exception > Disable/Ignore/NeverConvert options (wrong conversion, speed issues, crash); – there was a bug in the item manager which didn't produce problems with the compiler used up to build 260, but since the compiler upgrade fom build 261, various issues happened (e.g. pre-press marks could randomly not be processed); – the software and model tag control options of build 253 didn't get through the ripping process (the options got cleared after the job has been ripped). Build 261: – IMPORTANT!!! The profiler module could crash in certain conditions (typically on older computers with less memory and with a large amount of patches). – a debug button was forgotten in the contone wizard. Build 260: – the ink duct control diagrams had missing items; – the client app hadd small issues on high DPI displays; – identical job style and job style folder names could cause problems; – the lpi value displayed in separations view could be erronous. Build 259: – IMPORTANT!!! The EPSON TCP/IP driver didn't use the Shutdown API call, which sometimes led to the print not being fully finished. The newer models like T5400 were more sensitive to this issue, while on the older models like T5200 it happened rarely; – multiple calibration files could crash the RasterCore in rare cases; – the density modulation setting was lost in case of multiple screenings per job style; – the density modulation tables were sometimes initialied to empty, in which state entering the first value in the left column was impossible; – RIPs set to slave mode but with jobs opened locally were looking for files (e.g. calibrations) on the host computer; – files without file write events (small or opened through hot folders) failed in host-slave environment since the event fix of build 256. Build 258: – the EPSON P7500/9500 series could fail due to the extended MW command; – the Job style > Screening > Screen rules > Override frequency option didn't work in the past few builds, killing the multiple screens per page functionality; Build 257: – jobs with the ink spread compensation or edge detection turned on but trapping turned off could produce corrupt image or crash for large number of vignettes in the job; – the yellow screen correction was only applied for the default screening type (that is, in case of multiple screening types per page, the addition screening types didn't have the yellow correction). Build 256: – ripping a job in multi-server environment could fail for large files due to the lack of the mirroring of the file write events on the slave computer; – the TIFF tag control improvement of build 253 wasn't properly implemented in the client application. Build 255: – a new parameter called SubtractLimit can be added to the General section of the ServerOptions.ini. If the value is missing, it is defaulted to 75. Higher values allow higher combinations of K and other colors, but may also lead to worse interpolation. Increase this value if there are gamut issues around colors like C100 K100; decrease it if in-gamut colors like K100 have accuracy errors. – in case of multi-server installations, ripping a job locally on a slave computer didn't work correctly. – new pre-press mark and job information parameters added: SheetWidth and SheetHeight (in pixels) with mm, cm and in suffixes (e.g. SheetWidthCm means sheet width in centimeters). Build 254: – the grouping of the separate TIFF files into one job failed due to the TIFF tag control improvement of build 253; – TIFF file creation failed in certain cases (e.g. proof wizards) due to the same improvement. Build 253: – in certain conditions the color of the last spot color of the job wasn't properly received by the proofing module, and was printed in black; – the software and model tags of the saved TIFF file can be now controlled from the job style; – Rare circumstances made some patterns disappear.(Guntis) – Early use of Type 5 halftones might have lead to omitting or incorrectly halftoned spot color plates. (Reproflex) – Monochrome output messed up some spot colored shading fills (Andrew) – New release of Ghostscript, with lots of small enhancements and bugfixes. Build 252: – FM stochastic job styles of 140-220 microns added for the SC-Tx100/400 and ET-L1300/14000; – the ruler and the measuring tool could show faulty values on high dpi screens; – the functionality of using middle or large droplet sizes for the density modulated screens didn't work properly; – the functionality of automatically finding the dark center of dot shapes didn't work properly, causing unwanted pixels appearing in screens (e.g. pincushion dot shapes); Build 251: – FM stochastic job styles added to the SC-Tx200 printers for 140-220 microns Build 250: – the proof pre-press mark is now the new Media wedge v3 – ISO compliant Proof info mark added showing the details of the proof (name, date, resolution, proofer and target ICC, job style) – the Apply proof mark imposition style now applies both of the above Build 249: – a dll file required by the i1 Pro 3 was missing from the build – in the case of i1 Pro 2 measurements, the fix for the last line padding didn't work in certain cases. Build 248: – certain dark saturated colors (e.g. C100 K100) were slightly out of the gamut of the proofing system due to a wrong parameter in the black generation module; – the i1 Pro 2 needed at least 6 patches per row, a new spectrophotometer parameter allows now the padding of the last row with white patches. Build 247: – there was a small inaccuracy in the Lab->CMYK conversion of the proofing; the inaccuracy produced generally small errors (of dE = 0.5-1), but in extreme cases the inaccuracy could go up to dE = 1.5-2; a new, accuracy and speed optimized module does the Lab->CMYK conversion in the new module, the average dE is expected to be around 0.5 with only 4 iterations (2000 patches); – the ink list bug fix of build 246 caused crashes in the proof wizards; – the proof check wizard had hardcoded ISO Coated V2 values since the introduction of Media Wedge v3 in build 240, certain values being calculated with the correct values (e.g. dE values), others with the hardcoded values (e.g. dH values, the colors of the patches on the report). Build 246: – WARNING! Use the 12th August vesion uf build 246, the previous upload had a debug message! – the updated i1 drivers didn't have the right Media wedge file; – the ink list embedded into proofing jobs (TIFF files sent to the Print manager) could have extra items, causing random crashes in rare conditions; – the media wedge for the SpectroProofer wasn't forced to left alignment (leading to read failure) in case of proof profiles manually changed for centered alignment. Build 245: – the i1 drivers updated, including i1 Pro 3, and including M1 mode for i1 Pro 2; – the 'b' value of the last patch of each contone proof iteration was set to zero, usually leading to minor accuracy issues, but potentially causing proofing disaster; Build 244: – The pre-press marks weren't processed in normal (single server) mode due to a multi-server implementation bug; – The dH values of the primaries could exceed the tolerance, the accuracy is now improved by increased ICC resolution (65 instead of 33 per LAB axis) and more dense sampling around the 3 primaries. – Two versions of the MediaWedge v3 for SpectroProofer were stored in the installer, causing the old one overwriting the new one; – Wrong linearization file references in the pre-built SC-Px000 1440 dpi proof job styles. Build 243: – The raster proof target is now shorter (3×26 instead of 2×39), easier to read with i1 devices; – The FM screens added to the SC-Tx100, SC-Tx400, ET-14000 and L1300 printers. Build 242: – The FM vs. DDM improvement only worked if the screen was previously checked; – Spaces before and after the names of StudioRIP files could cause problems due to the the INI files have problems storing spaces at the beginning and end of string values, now spaces are automatically removed; – the linearized CMYKOGV output could fail; – the user interface had various issues related to the high DPI GUI; Build 241: – the Dynamic Density Modulation (DDM) didn't work with stochastic (FM) screes, now both AM and FM are DDM enabled; – the pre-built DTF job style range now includes FM screens for the SC-Tx200 and SC-Px000 printers; – built-in photo job styles added by the wizard defaulted the ICC profile to ISO Coated V2 when created for the first time; – the built-in proof and photo job styles for the SC-Px000 on 1440 dpi had wrong light ink limit, resulting in dE > 8 values; – third party profilers now have access to the proof rendering engine of StudioRIP (finest possible contone output using VSD and light inks), PDF or TIFF files containing CMYKOGV data can be now printed using StudioRIP's linearized output: (1) run the Proofer linearization wizard, (2) check the Interpretation > Contone output, (3) uncheck the Separations > Manage input CMYK, (4) check the Proof color management task, (5) set the Proof color management > Proof type to Contone, (6) set the Proof color management > Proofer ICC profile to the same ICC as the Separations > Separation profile (e.g. ISO Coated V2 – the actual value is irrelevant as long as you feed it with CMYKOGV data), (7) feed the RIP with PDF/TIFF files with CMYKOGV data (that is, exactly 7 colors named "Cyan", "Magenta", "Yellow", "Black", "Orange", "Green" and "Violet"); Build 240: – WARNING!!! The new multi-server feature can still have stability issues, use this build with caution, downgrade to 239 in case of problems! – The new multi-server feature allows two or more networked servers to work together in order to increase the speed and responsiveness of the system (recommended for big pre-press houses). – When outputting Ryobi DEM files, old DEM files are automatically deleted. The number of allowed DEM files is defaulted to 150, different values can be specified with the [General]\DemFileLimit parameter of the C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\Setup.ini file. – The proof test (media wedge) upgraded to v3 – The proof test wizard now displays the new ISO compliant results – The proof test results can be now printed as a full page report Build 239: – further enhancements of the high dpi GUI rendering, the ruler is now sharp too. Build 238: – the gravure optimized mode now works with the hexagonal screening too, including extreme values like 750 lpi @ 5080 dpi; – the DEM (Ryobi) file format produced large thumbnails, now it produces very small (300 pixel wide, paletted 8 bit/pixel) bitmaps to keep the resulting file size small; – certain GUI components got resampled with the recent change of the GUI rendering engine, producing unsharp (job preview) or erronously sized (dot checker) image; these are now fixed, the ruler remains to be fixed (on high dpi screens it may be too small). Build 237: – the DEM (Ryobi) file format has been added to the supported ink duct control formats; – the ink duct file name format didn't work correctly; – the table background colors weren't always calculated correctly in the ink duct diagram; – sheetwise (front+back) PPF files could become corrupt in certain situations. Build 236: – the EPSON head test app used for fine tuning the EPSON printers could only register the dead nozzles in the first Print manager in the system; now the operator can choose which Print manager to work with; – the head test app couldn't work properly with the new 600 dpi-based and 1.25" long heads (T3100/3400/5100/5400), now it reads the head parameters from the database, and prints the correct test page for all models; – the quick feed adjustment page didn't work correctly for the 600 dpi-based heads, now it does; – newly added marks were sometimes ignored by the system (processed only after restart); – the mark list management could crash. Build 235: – WARNING! This build has been uploaded several times, use the latest one (dated 13th June). – the ink duct control could cause out of memory errors in case of very large press and high resolution; – new button on the Print manager toolbar for cutting N sheets of X mm length from the loaded roll of an EPSON printer (where N and X can be automatically copied from the selected job), so then the selected job can be printed on cut sheets for better registration accuracy; – wrong file versions in 234 fixed; – the PPF files and file names will not contain "#" characters anymore (certain systems don't like them). Build 234: – the CIP3AdmJobCode and CIP3AdmSheetName fields of the PPF file are now numbers only, CIP3AdmPaperExtent field added; – File name format field added to the ink duct export task; – the missing translations of the proofing wizards added; – small GUI issues fixed in the Client app. Build 233: – the default light ink limit on 1440 dpi is reduced to 20% from the previous 40-45%, which is the best compromise between smoothness and gamut; – the light ink limit has now a more intuitive GUI control; – changes in the OGV ink density management, together with the lower light ink limit (see above) resulted in a significantly wider gamut in the dark saturated area (e.g. the C=100, M=100, Y=40, K=20 color needed high ink limit in the previous build, but is now safely printed even on papers with low ink limit); – the density calculations for 720 dpi had a bug, preventing the profiler using the full gamut; – various stability issues fixed in the client application; – Illustrator could export faulty EPS files with color components exceeding the [0..1] range, causing trouble in previous StudioRIP versions. From now on we'll force these values within their limits just like the Adobe products do (even if this is against the specifications). – in rare cases normal colors could be treated as registration colors. – in rare cases overprinting on registration color could cause missing plates. – lpi values in the screen filtering list equal to the default lpi could cause problems. Build 232: – Proof and photo job styles are created for the EPSON SC-Px000, SC-Tx200, SC-Tx100, SC-x400, ET-L1300 and the Canon TX-x000 printers (so fairly accurate proofs can be printed without doing any profiling). – Fresh installs were supposed to find and set as default known inkjet printers in the network (e.g. if there is an EPSON SureColor P5000 connected and started up on a fresh StudioRIP install, the Add print engine wizard of the Print manager was supposed to automatically fill all the details). This functionality had several issues, it's working fine now. – Small improvements related to the profiling process. – Both the Mac and PC apps are now signed with StudioRIP SRL digital certificates, so installations should be easier and will have a more professional look. – The Add print engine wizard appeared behind the Client window on fresh installations (when the wizard launches automatically on startup). Build 231: – WARNING!!! The proofing system has been completely rewritten. Proofing job styles created with previous versions may not work anymore! – The accuracy of the proofing system has been greatly improved using a new technology. Average dE < 1 and maximum dE < 2 (CIE2000) can be now easily achieved with the right consumables. Results can be further improved by performing extra profiling steps. The use of orange-green-violet inks does not significantly affect the accuracy anymore, while the maximum possible gamut is achieved by the use of these inks. – WARNING! Some of the built-in proof/photo job styles may be inaccurate or incompatible. The built-in proof/photo job styles for the various inkjet printers are going to be updated soon. – The M factor parameter for the spectrophotometers have been added (yet only to the SpectroProofer, the i1 driver is going to be updated soon). – the fix of 224/229 regarding the scaling of the pre-press marks damaged the Droplet to Plate exposure marks. – file names with special characters could still cause problems in certain conditions, the new system on up-to-date versions of Win10 is supposed to solve all the problems. – DTP job styles of 1440 dpi had wrong margin settings (6/6/6/24 instead of 3/3/3/14). – the profiling base job styles of the EPSON Px000 series on 720 dpi weren't set to VSD (resulting in less smooth highlights). Build 230: – special characters vs. fonts fixes Build 229: – the fix of 224 regarding the re-scaling of the pre-press marks wasn't enough, as the marks were re-processed, but the right scaling still wasn't applied (the scaling parameter wasn't passed correctly to the interpreter). – the Feed adjustment part for EPSON printers of the New print engine wizard could fail to set the right feed adjustment value in the selected job styles due to decimal separation convention issues ('.' vs. ','). – mixing halftone types with and without density modulation on the same page could lead to crash. – having spot color gradients with the Convert spot to process setting turned on resulted in corrupt output (typically the gradients diasppearing). – TIFF files weren't processed in certain situations due to path issues. Build 228: – new hard key driver (8.13 instead of 7.3) – P7500 and P9500 added to the SpectroProofer support list – proof test pages are forced to have at least 1 inch extra space on top and bottom, to keep measurements accurate – the feed adjustment page will be printed in positive even for negative job styles (for easier measurement and for less ink waste) – further fixes in the client app Build 227: – the EPSON SpectroProof failed with the default settings due to the top space not being set correctly if the profiling base job style wasn't set to print the full media (rather than the bounding box); now the full media is forced by the wizard; – the ink limitation chart (which is the only visually evaluated page in the proof wizards) didn't print with SpectroProofer configuration (being sent to the printer through the SpectroProofer interface but without measurement specifications), now the SpectroProofer is skipped for visually evaluated pages; – the quick feed adjustment page sometimes didn't finish printing; – the profiling base job styles of the Px000 printers have been updated (correct non-printable area, quality optimized, banding-free interlacing settings). Build 226: – further job style related bugs from the speed improvement of build 215; – the EPSON P10000/20000 didn't work correctly due to an INI file issue. Build 225: – the black tint pattern algorithm has been rewritten from scratch, resulting in 2-5x speed improvement for jobs with this post-processing type turned on. – the screening test didn't work due to another – hopefully the last – bug introduced by the speed improvement in build 215. Build 224: – the new profiling engine didn't generate the CMYK>Lab table, causing the onscreen preview of the photo job styles to be corrupt; – using multiple screens per page with different calibration curves didn't work, still the same curve was applied to all screens; – improvements on the overprint management; – improvement on the feed adjustment part of the Add print engine wizard (select/deselect all buttons, job style filtering issues etc.); – the feed adjustment wizard can be now launched from teh Calibration menu separately for fine tuning of the job styles; – the pre-press marks weren't re-processed after re-scaling, so changing the scale only had effect for new screening settings; – EPSON Stylus Pro 7900 didn't use the orange-green inks in its pre-defined job styles; – the orientation buttons in the media view didn't show the right orientation in certain cases (if portrait and landscape orientations didn't match); – the seamless screens are supposed to work slightly faster, extracting the cell size from the cache rather than re-calculating it each time; – the Add print engine wizard didn't skip the feed adjustment wizard for certanin models which did not support feed adjustment (e.g. L1300); – the Job styles > Print calibration page command could work with corrupt job style; – the hint of the onscreen dotmeter wasn't high dpi compliant (tiny text on 4K screens). Build 223: – If Windows refused to serve StudioRIP with one continuous block of RAM of the size of the imposition buffer (see Tools > Server options), the RIP failed with an error message. From here on, StudioRIP will keep trying with smaller imposition buffers, until Windows will serve it. Therefore the imposition buffer can be now safely increased to 1 GB or even higher. – New EPSON aliases added (e.g. ET14000). Build 222: – All spectrophotometers except SpectroProofers failed to read the last row since the introduction of SpectroProofer support. – In certain conditions the profiler module lost sync of the data, and the ICC generated by the proof wizards was a mess (e.g. white printing blue). – In certain conditions the gray balance/linearization created non-neutral grays in the shadows of low black generation, which could lead to lower accuracy on grays. – The warning dialog for erronous spectrophotometer reads wasn't displayed, only the warning rectangles appeared in the list. – The special color step of the contone wizard expected wrong colors, which could lead to false read warnings. – The read of the separator width was wrong, which ended up with corrupt output (the 10x wider separator was 'stealing' the space from the actual patch). Build 221: – EPSON SpectroProof needs 41 mm on the top of the paper. This was set by StudioRIP, but if the job style was set to print the bounding box rather than the entire media, this was ignored, and the spectrophotometer could read wrong values or freeze. – Saving the special color table after the first step of the contone proof wizard on orange-green-violet enabled printers could take up to a minute, now it's solved in seconds. Build 220: – IMPORTANT!!! The overprints in the PS/PDF files were ignored since the new Ghostscript 9.52 in build 207 due to a compatibility issue of the new GS. – IMPORTANT!!! Calibration curves can be now linked to screening types, which is useful when multiple screening types are used on the same page (e.g. certain objects are tagged with PackZ, and StudioRIP is instructed to use different screening for the tagged objects): the different screening types can have their own dot gain curves now. – The new proof linearization wizard failed for orange-green-violet printers in certain circumstances. – The proofing system destroyed certain objects twice, which could result in the crash of the server application. – Small GUI fix in the pre-press mark dialog (the OK button remained grayed when text was added to the text mark field). – The changed icon of a pre-press mark wasn only updated in the rest of the client application with a restart. – The info icon could not be set for a pre-press mark from the GUI. Build 219: – the speed enhacement of build 215 introduced another bug, resulting in pre-press marks not being processed in certain circumstances. Build 218: – with the dot shape improvement of build 216 the dot cache got turned off – the SpectroProof records of the Engines.ini got lost, resulting in failure for certain printer types Build 217: – using RIP-based MicroWeaving on 360 nozzles @ 8-10 inks EPSON models (e.g. SureColor P5000-9000), there was a tiny (0.035 mm) vertical registration error or blurred horizontal edges due to the 1/720" shifts between the adjacent channels (used by the twin channel models to reach 720 dpi vertical resolution). – the quality of the 1440 dpi MicroWeaving on the above models slightly improved. – the speed enhancement of build 215 introduced an initialization bug of the job style list (e.g. the proof wizards couldn't find proper job styles). Build 216: – on high lpi/dpi ratio the round dot shape had artifacts where the dots touched each other – new feature: the alignment of sheetwise impositions can be mirrored on the back side of the sheet Build 215: – Updating the list of job styles wasn't quick enough, resulting in a delay between adding/deleting a job style and getting the list updated. – Grayscale contone TIFF files opened with halftone job styles were interpreted as negative. Build 214: – IMPORTANT! The Add print engine wizard performs an easy-to-follow feed adjustment procedure for EPSON printers – Finding out the reson for watermarking a job is now easier, a "Why watermarked?" link is displayed next to the job style, its hint displays the show explanations, clicking on it displays the job info window with the detailed explanations. – The density modulation of the Engine setup task didn't work correctly if the density value exceeded 100. – Windows Defender caused performance issues, checking every change of the StudioRIP data files. The installer now automatically adds a Defender exclusion for the StudioRIP data folder. – Changing the tab widths in the Print manager docker didn't update the content of the docker. – CMYK + spot colors were saved as CMYK-only by the PDF output plugin if all 4 CMYK colors were present. – The hints haven't got the high resolution correction (e.g. the result of the onscreen color picker was difficult to read on 4K screens). Build 213: – The New Print Engine wizard has the ability to detect whether there are any printers connected by network or with installed Windows drivers which are supported by StudioRIP, but there were implementation weaknesses around this. Now the wizard is defaulted to the new printer if it is seen on the network or as an installed Windows printer, and in case of multiple printers, they are listed in the dropdown list beside the printer type combo boxes. – The job styles created by the Add Print Engine wizard have properly formatted names, using the new NameFormat parameter of the INI files which list the predefined job styles. Build 212: – Newspaper modes added to the predefined Droplet to Plate job styles, with their speed and quality between the high quality (2880x1440 dpi) and very fast (1440x720 dpi) modes. The new modes (1440x1440 dpi) print an average newspaper size of 600x900 mm in about 5-6 minutes, screen rulings of up to 150 lpi, and relatively stable, banding free quality. – The double ink modes of the EPSON color seprations have a new mode, similar to the horizontal twin modes: the operator can now specify which of the two inks to be used for the outlines of 1-3 pixels vs. the inner areas. This new mode is used for keeping the same rule as for the other DTP job styles (outlines printed with MK, inner areas with PK). Build 211: – in certain situations the pre-press marks still failed to process due to the GS upgrade of build 207 – small fixes in the Canon driver Build 210: – Build 209 was unusable due to a missing executable – the EPSON SureColor S80600 series added Build 209: – Jobs stopped during the processing could not be printed in certain conditions. – The automatic deletion from the job browser history didn't work in chronological order between the jobs of the same day, which in low history space conditions, when the deletion had to be done from the current day, could result in a job disappearing without getting into the history at all. – The "delete files older than" functionality of the job browser history could become unstable in certain conditions. – The "combine jobs for ganging" functionality could combine jobs with delayed printing ("[x] print job after X minutes") and without delayed printing ("[ ] print job after X minutes"), this way a job which was intended to print with a delay not being printed at all until it's been checked. From now on, these two types won't be mixed, so delayed jobs will be only combined with delayed jobs. Build 208: – Pre-press marks couldn't be processed with the GS upgrade of build 207 – The Print Mode Resource file for the P7500/9500 driver wasn't included in builds 203-207 – Exile CTPs added to the list of supported devices Build 207: – WARNING!!! The profiling module has major improvements and significantly different behavior (gray balance, gray linearization, orange/green/violet calibration), and it hasn't been yet widely tested. In case of profiling problems, downgrade to build 206! – EPSON SpectroProofer support added. – Upgrade to Ghostscript 9.52, containing various fixes (e.g. pattern fills, stroking overprints) – User interface option for controlling whether the interpretation should stop or continue for non-fatal PS/PDF errors (such as missing fonts) Build 206: – the changes in build 200 regarding the built-in ICC profiles could result in faulty pre-press marks (e.g. halftoned registration mark which won't appear on spot plates) Build 205: – the new engine wizard created wrong settings for the single head modes of L1300 – build 204 contained by mistake the gray balance wizards which are supposed to become active only in the new builds with the new profiling module Build 204: – Builds 202-203 had various issues (GUI problems, PM not starting up). 204 is now supposed to be stable again, with further improvements on the P7500/9500. Build 203: – EPSON SureColor P7500/9500 added (yet without optimized proof profiles). Build 202: – spot color gradients could become corrupt (typically partially missing) if another spot color was disabled in Separations > Ink Exceptions Build 201: – the changes in build 200 regarding the built-in ICC profiles could result in re-separated CMYK colors (e.g. the K-only test page was separated into CMYK). Build 200: – hairlines with gradients could crash the RasterCore – new options added: Render PDF Annotations and Ignore PDF/X Output Intent, as better replacements for two similar options – colors that already exist in the color library of StudioRIP will not be allowed anymore to be overwritten by the ripped job Build 199: – If EPSON printers with the automatic cleaning feature turned on started to clean the head while printing a job, the job was aborted; now the cleaning message is treated as a non-critical event, and it won't trigger a job abort; – Certain EPSON printers (such as P5000) don't reply while sleeping (unlike other models, such as the T3200, which does reply a Power saving mode message). On these models, the printer has to be manually woken up in order to accept the jobs. Now we ping the printer if there is no SNMP reply, and treat the ping reply as a power saving mode status. – There is a new setting in the Server options: Show network Print managers. With this option turned off, only the print managers on the local PC or referred by job styles will be listed, avoiding interferences between two or more StudioRIP systems installed in the same network (which, with this option turned on, see each other's Print managers). – A new dot shape (6x4 pixels rectangle) has been added to the list of forced minimum dot shapes. Build 198: – The twin modes of the P800 (e.g. C+M together) didn't work correctly due to a setting lost since build 124 (the C and M channels were misregistered). – Certain drivers (e.g. Canon, PDF output) ignored the negative tag, – rare halfone related crashes fixed in RasterCore Build 197: – Certain EPSON printers (such as the L1300) failed to print if the monochrome mode wasn't set, while others (e.g. the T3200) failed to print monochrome jobs if the separation ink was set to cyan rather than black. Now the monochrome mode is only set if the actual printed data is black only, this is supposed to work in all scenarios. Build 196: – Spot colors with names shorter than 3 characters were saved with faulty color name in the TIFF file, and this cause overinking on the inkjet applications due to the density modulation to failure. – Using the trapping together with the Ink Spread Compensation and/or Edge Enhancement resulted in a thin gap between the trap and the object which was spread by the trap. The fix disables the ISC in the proximity of the traps, which also can still result in visual artifacts, but generally it should be far better than before. On longer term we plan to do the trap and the ISC in two different steps, completely eliminating any artifacts. Build 195: – IMPORTANT! Each spot color in a contone proof added a small amount of 'smoke' to the image (similar to paper color simulation, but equally affecting all colors), more spot colors added more color; – IMPORTANT! Certain proofing/photo printing job styles created by the wizard for EPSON printers were defaulted to convert spot colors to process, which dramatically reduced the accuracy of the spot colors. Build 194: – IMPORTANT IMRPOVEMENT! The Add print engine wizard does now an automatic feed adjustment for certain EPSON printers (most SureColor T and P series printers), this way ensuring that newly added job styles work on the best possible quality; – bitmaps opened directly (as JPEG, BMP etc. files) produced corrupt output in certain conditions (e.g. RGB JPEG bitmaps in halftone mode, certain LZW compressed bitmaps etc.); – bitmaps in PDF files with 16 bits/channel produced corrupt output if they passed color management (e.g. RGB); – the Sypder 3 Print colorimeter plugin didn't work for a long time (probably since v4); now it does, with additional stability fixes; – wide objects could produce corrupt output; – the custom sizing params were applied even if the Sizing task was unchecked; – the rendering of multiple halftones per page was slightly speeded up; – new Sentinel/HASP driver (the old one didn't work properly in certain conditions). Build 193: – CRITICAL FIX!!! Since build 174, the hot folder system had a serious bug, with a typical symptom of multiple jobs being created from hot folder files – the HP5500 support is working again. Build 192: – using the limits functionality of the screening system could lead to density modulation problems on inkjets Build 191: – futher enhancement to the newly added nested imposition feature: the vertical correction can be now specified as absolute length (e.g. millimeters) rather than just percentage of the page height – the sizes of the imposition dialog (e.g. gutters) have higher accuracy now – an optimization in pattern handling mechanism improves pattern rendering speed, especially for those containing interpolated images. Build 190: – the fix of the nested imposition has only be applied to the ripping module, but could still cause problems in the server (e.g. cropping), now the fix is applied in all relevant modules – the head shift improvement of build 189 had a small user interface issue Build 189: – the quality enhancement featrure of the EPSON printers (which controls how much of the – typically 1 inch – head to be used) now we offer the control via the user interface of WHICH part of the head to be used (this feature was so far available only as an INI file parameter). Build 188: – the ink duct control module now can save TIFF files too, beside of the already supported CIP3, CIP4, BMP and JPEG. Build 187: – a trivial bug introduced into 186 with the nested imposition has been fixed, build 186 has been erased Build 186 – IMPORTANT! Nested (honeycomb) imposition added – the 150 lpi @ 2880 dpi job styles for DTP and DTF on EPSON printers had a slight banding on certain percentages – the smart ganging could work in a slightly different way if manual changes were performed Build 185: – the bug fix of build 183 wasn't compiled into the Print manager, so while the proofing itself was OK, the result wasn't Build 184: – opening certain kinds of TIFF files with spot colors didn't work Build 183: – the halftone optimized mode of the proof linearization wizard didn't work correctly if the printer had orange, green or violet inks Build 182: – further fixes in the job browser (the Client could crash) – files with corrupt creation dates (typically coming through the network) could crash the RasterCore, now creation dates are automatically reset to the current date Build 181: – job browser fixes (e.g. the Reprocess button could do strange things such as reprocessing other jobs than the selected one) – ripping TIFF files could create corrupt result in certain cases (such as multi-channel or color depth of 16 bits) Build 180: – There was some inaccuracy in converting the color values from the PS/PDF into StudioRIP's internal format. In conjunction with extremely steep calibration curves (such as bump-up curves), this could have caused significant color differences (e.g. 1% being transformed into 3.5% instead of 7%). It is also possible that it could add a very light amount of banding to badly created gradients. Build 179: – IMPORTANT!!! On certain (typically thermal) CTP devices StudioRIP screens (typically 45° black) could show moiré, for example in the case of 175 lpi @ 2540 dpi. The phenomenon was caused by the stochastic algorithm of the gray enhancement and low pass filtering technologies. The new algorithm uses a more robust stochastic pattern that suppresses the opto-mechanical issues of these CTP devices. WARNING! In case of upgrades, the dot cache (that is, the contents of the C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\Dots folder) needs to be erased in order to allow the improved screening to take effect. – IMPORTANT!!! Certain TIFF catcher software didn't accept the TIFF files created by the Server (due to the special tags of StudioRIP which hold the StudioRIP-specific information such as the job style), the Print manager had to be involved in order to create compatible TIFF files. From now on, StudioRIP includes this information only if the TIFF file goes to a Print manager. – certain pre-defined EPSON DTF/DTP job styles (mostly 150 lpi ones) had the screen rules reset, resulting in wrong angles for PDF files. – the Book 8-up job style had corrupt binding data, so applying directly from the imposition sytle list created corrupt imposition. – selection related item manager fixes – crop related fixes – the non-smoothed (marked with *) calibraiton curve setpoint functionality of build 176 works again – the preview system could crash in certain situations – the reprocess command of the job browser sometimes reprocessed jobs that were not selected Build 178: – jobs with more than 8 colors and with trapping turned on could crash in certain (random) conditions – the registration color check could rarely crash the job processing Build 177: – The non-smoothed setpoint fix of build 176 introduced a new bug (text marks crashed the preview system). The proper fix is expected to come in about 10 days in build 179, by then certain non-smoothed setpoints can show wrong color or even crash, but regular jobs (that is, the ones which don't use non-smoothed setpoints, which are anyway non-documented) will work now correctly. Build 176: – build 174 spoiled the hot folder system, now it works again – the support of non-smoothed setpoints in the calibration curves (marked with *) had problems (wrong values shown, consecutive non-smoothed setpoints could crash the RIP etc.) Build 175: – bulid 174 had a debug feature included which rarely could pop up a dialog box – the calibration system could freeze if there were two lines with stars under each other Build 174: – IMPORTANT: the performance of the preview system has been improved Build 173: – IMPORTANT: Canon TX inkjet CTF support added (yet tested on the TX series only). – IMPORTANT: generating the dot cache for Dynamic Density Modulation (that is, ripping for the first time inkjet CTP or CTF jobs with DDM turned on) could take up to hours, especially for high dpi and low lpi combinations such as 30 lpi @ 2880 dpi (but even 100 lpi @ 2880 dpi could take about 10 minutes on a lower spec PC). The dot generation speed is now incomparably better, typically done in less than 30 seconds. – in case of multiple network printers, the Print manager's Add new print engine wizard offers now the possibility to choose between the detected network printers from the dropdown menu of the refresh button, in the right of the Manufacturer/Family/Model controls. Build 172: – the ink neutral density calculation was faulty, affecting for example the "Black, or the darkest color on the page" pre-press mark functionality (but possibly trapping too); – 200 lpi support added for the EPSON SC-Px000 and SC-Tx200 film printing – the EPSON SC-Px000 printers can be now configured to use for film printing the double channel mode (O+G or LC+LM) and the 4-channel mode (O+G+LK+LLK or LC+LM+LK+LLK) directly from the wizard Build 171: – The ink definition fix of build 170 has a critical bug, ripping was impossible. Build 170 removed. Build 170: – in certain places (such as exporting PPF files) the color definitions of inks were set to white Build 169: – black pattern protection now allowed to be 0 pixels too. Build 168: – the imposition of double or multiple sized pages of 167 has been slightly improved: the multiple sized pages are now centered to the bounding box of the grid cells overlapped by the multiple sized page. Build 167: – IMPROVEMENT: impositions now can handle double or multiple sized pages (e.g. A4 and A5 pages in the same imposition); for details, see Build 166: – PS files couldn't be processed by the new wrap of Ghostscript 9.27 Build 165: – upgrade to Ghostscript 9.27 from 9.23 – CRITICAL FIX! A previous custom patch on GS 9.23 had an overflow issue which could mess up font rendering on high (above 4000 dpi) resolutions – IMPORTANT FIX! Several fixes and improvements performed on the faulty nozzle management code, which used to have critical problems, but now seems to be robust, tested on real printers with scratched heads – the faulty nozzle management didn't work correctly for 4-channel modes (that is, for most default film/plate printing job styles for EPSON SureColor T series) – the dead nozzle detection mechanism is highly improved in the Epson head alignment tool (both horizontal and vertical droplet placement errors detected, the new dot-on-dot error detection concept is easier to see by the naked eye, several patterns available) – the Epson head alignment tool detects network and Windows printers automatically Build 164: – CRITICAL FIX! In certain situations the Print manager sent empty data for non-black separations (perhaps since build 161). Build 163: – the first run length compressed color of halftone proof scanlines was set to magenta (resulting in an irregular magenta spot in the left of the page) by a debug code left in an alpha version; – rendering very complex gradients could result in low speed/quality, now this is handled in a smarter way – overprints over registration colors could cause issues in the detection of empty plates Build 162: – the Adobe specs say that trapping should be ignored only for colors under 5%, but we hardcoded 10%, so colors between 5-10% should have been trapped but weren't – the orientations of pages in a document weren't interpreted properly if there were different page orientations within the same document – the Merge curves functionality didn't work in Job style > Calibration – new Engines.ini option added for the EPSON printers: TreatOfflineAsBusy; together with MediaSizeCapable, they can instruct printers not to wait for the next cut sheet (plate) to be loaded, but to start sending the image data right after a sheet has been removed Build 161: – EPSON EcoTank L1300 – a very cheap alternative for non-critical quality A3+ film printing, supporting up to 150 lpi – added to the supported device list, – ability to drive devices with a single channel for the CMY inks (such as the L1300) now developed – Extra parameters field added to the EPSON settings dialog, able to override lines from the Engines.ini file (the most typical usage will be to remap channels, e.g. using SureColor P printers with 2 or 4 channels of black) – small Client app fixes – spot colors not containing the word 'PANTONE' didn't work correctly Build 160: – very high dpi and low lpi screens could have inaccurate dot shapes – font rendering could have problems (inaccurate character positioning) on certain resolutions – photo job sytles couldn't deal with spot colors – client stability issues Build 159: – Portuguese language support added Build 158: – the EPSON P10000/20000 printers didn't work due to faulty settings in the Engines.ini file; – when predefined job styles using ICC profiles (typically proofing job styles) were chosen, the job style references to the newly installed ICC profiles could be defaulted due to synchronization problems (the ICC profile not being installed at the moment of creation of the new job style); – the defaulted ICC profiles had an extra backslash, which could lead to interpretation problems in certain cases. Build 157: – when predefined job styles were chosen, the Add print engine wizard did not set up the chosen print manager (the created job styles pointing to the first print manager) – Epson P10000/20000 devices added – the new connection interface failed to connect to the server in certain situations – other running servers in the local network kept disappearing from the list of available servers in the connection dialog – very small sizes (such as 0.05 pt, which is a valid size for trapping) weren't handled properly in the multi-unit edit boxes – the Work style parameter of the imposition sytle wasn't saved – the negative button of the prepress mark property dialog didn't have any effect Build 156: – IMPORTANT!!! TIFF files containing density modulation (such as jobs ripped with DTP or DTF job styles) could not be re-opened by the eye button in the Print manager, or by the Open command. Although for visualization the job looked OK, the density modulation information has been lost, and reprinting resulted in over-inking. – moving a group of job styles between folders was very slow (could take up to a minute to move 30 job styles). Build 155: – most major EPSON models (T, P, S and F) have now pre-defined job styles for proofing, film and plate printing; – various bugs in the wizard offering the pre-defined job styles have been fixed; – various bugs in the tree views of the item managers (regarding selection, renaming, double click, right click) have been fixed. Build 154: – The Ink Spread Compensation bug fix of build 153 only worked in positive, now negative is also fixed; – Ink names with special characters (&, /, \, * etc.) could cause problems. Build 153: – with the Ink Spread Compensation turned on, registration colors prevented empty CMYK plates to be automatically erased – non-embedded fonts are now searched for in the C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\Fonts folder – white registration colors could cause problems by messing up the color cache – the advanced ganging only worked manually, but not when the job was ripped – double clicking tree nodes could sometimes turn on the renaming editor Build 152: – renaming an object in the tree views of the item managers didn't work by left click on the selected item – the editor only disappeared in the tree views of the item managers by pressing enter, but not by removing focus (clicking elsewhere) – drag&drop didn't work for multiple selection in the tree views of the item managers – the orange, green and violet inks added to the EPSON models supporting them – the EPSON P10000/20000 models didn't work due to the wrong handling of the print resource data Build 151: – SureColor Tx200 DTP, DTF and proofing job styles available from the installation wizard – SureColor Tx100 DTF job styles available from the installation wizard – Mutoh DTF job styles available from the installation wizard – small fixes in the above wizard Build 150: – dot shape not shown in the Screening type settings > Forced shape for smallest highlight/shadow dot – the used job style name of the job wasn't properly stored/shown – the last used job style name wasn't stored Build 149: – generating raster proofs from jobs ripped for CTP (rather than opening them directly with the raster proof job style) created duplicated pages; this fix in addition to the series of fixes of build 125 where many similar issues were fixed (such as contone proof generation with sheet fed printer). – the Edge Enhancement and Ink Spread Compensation technologies didn't work for registration colors (while normally only the trapping should be disabled for registration colors). – in rare cases users might encounter exception faults when shading fills are used with lots of spot color components. Fixed. – the EtherSetter plugin for Linotype Herkules didn't work in certain conditions. – the spot color halftone improvement of 146 failed for halftone proof profiles. – various refresh issues in the Client (e.g. changing the media rotation, negative etc. didn't update the media view) – the advanced ganging didn't work for roll media – special name filter added to the DI driver – up to 16 colors supported by the DI driver – multi-page job page count under the view area not updated properly while ripping. Build 148: – for unknown reasons 147 didn't do the contone profiling, probably compilation error – the job style export didn't include files – the job style export included too many dot cache files, instead of just strictly the CMYK ones – focus problem in the client app (pressing buttons only worked for the second attempt) – the slider functionality (resizing dockers) was faulty, doing resize when it didn't have to Build 147: – the spot color halftone improvement of 146 failed for photo print profiles. Bulid 146: – Percentages of spot colors (e.g. 50% of PANTONE 123 C) are now approximated with a better formula in proofs – Mutoh support added – A “rangecheck in eofill” postscript error in a customer job has enforced a new model for handling registration colors. This improvement also fixed some rare conditions when an additional empty page was rendered with just registration marks on it. – For trapped and ink spread compensated jobs shading fills might have appeared as clear (white) objects. Fixed. – Various bug fixes and enhancements in the client application Build 145: – In extremely rare cases spot color paintings might have had garbage on unused components (instead of white component). Actually this bug had an incomplete bugfix in build 144, now it works in all cases as expected. – The color cache defectively considered the same pure color and elementary bitmap pixel color as identical ones which leaded to malfunctions like random black pixels when the 'Convert all R0G0B0 to K100' has been set also for images. Fixed. – Postscript Type 3 text might have appeared sometimes with wrong stroke color due to a wrong glyph caching mechanism. Fixed. – Disabling color management might have turned in portions totally wrong colors, rendering artifacts or even crash when the job was too complex (e.g. lots of shade fills). Now fixed. – A single bugfix solved multiple problems of shading fill rendering for certain job styles (others than the default ones). – Very rare silent crash solved: wrong data initialization when decomposing high level objects (images or shades) for trapping or color conversion. – Low level image objects might have been treated as high level objects when decomposing highh level objets was necessary, resulting in crash or faulty rendering. Solved. – Division by zero when attempted to process “flat” (0 area) elementary triangles, though these objects should have been simply skipped. Solved. – A rare condition has been solved which might has appeared when the document contained lots of spot colors but just the last ones of then were used in shading fills. – Due to an upgrade of the shading fill processing module now shade fill rendering became slightly faster, much simpler and much more robust. This upgrade initially was necessary to fix faulty rendering of shades on low resolution output. Build 144: – In extremely rare cases spot color paintings might have had garbage on unused components (instead of white component). – In build 140 a hidden plate named ‘All’ was introduced for jobs containing registration color objects. This hidden plate sometimes got visible in the separations list. Build 143: – Multiple bugs were fixed for shading fill rendering in case of trapping and/or color conversions enabled jobs. – Wrong value for high level shading memory limit, resulting in missing objects or protection faults. Now fixed. Build 142: – DOESN'T CONTAIN YET THE IMPROVEMENTS OF 141!!! – Sometimes the equivalent color of unknown (not previously used) spot inks were identified erroneously. This could have happened when the job was processed with trapping enabled. Now fixed. – For CMYK only or K only output settings, when linear color shadings were used on the page sometimes also a pure color might had been rendered as a linear shading fill with unpredictable results. Now fixed. – In very rare (and unrealistic) cases when two identical, but differently halftoned color were used in succession, the same halftone appeared for both colors. Now fixed. – When trapping was active for jobs which contain spot color shading filled elements sometimes these objects might have rendered with a small horizontal displacement. Now fixed. – Various bugfixes in calibration curve interface and handling. Build 141, INTERNAL TEST: – contains a set of improvements with the intention of making the printing on EPSON printers – particularly the color separations – easier to set up – improvement #1: whenever a large format EPSON printer is detected in the network, the Add new engine wizard detects it and sets it up to IP printing – improvement #2: the detection of the IP printing is generally now more robust, focusing on getting the right device code, rather than on the exact printer name (which varies, e.g. "SureColor T" vs. "SC-T", making the detection less stable) – improvement #3: the recommended job styles which had to be downloaded from the web site are now included into StudioRIP, the handling of the dot cache will follow in subsequent builds – improvement #4: the handling of the included job styles in managed by an easy to use, pleasant user interaface with intuitive controls Build 140: – a bug in the management of registration colors might have killed or arbitrarily changed the color on some spot colored objects – response calibration curves ending with value pairs like 95% measured as 100% caused solid blacks to got rendered as dark gray shades (95% in this example) Build 139: – a DLL wasn't included in build 138, now it is Buld 138: – in certain cases (e.g. ripping pre-separated file) the displayed page wasn't properly updated – the Forced dot shape related settings weren't properly saved – the export image command could fail – the job style appeared as edit box instead combo box in the Open dialog – Postscript/PDF engine upgraded from GS9.22 to GS9.23 – For extremely rare cases the job had a (CFF) font where the UniqueID was too large (0x7fffff), resulting in embedded font stream reading error. Now the limit is increased accordingly. – When Convert all R0G0B0 to K100 is selected in Separation task the very first color encountered on the second page might be treated erroneously. – A rare Ink Spread Compensation crash has been fixed. – A rare shading fill issue on high resolutions which has turned out in a fake rangecheck error is now fixed. – Dramatical speed increase on some special jobs which have pattern fills – Pattern fill crashes fixed – A division by zero error when rendering certain shading fills has been fixed – Some image pattern fills got rendered as black or white objects, now fixed Build 137: – the PPF (CIP3) file generated by StudioRIP wasn't accepted by certain Heidelberg systems if spot colors were used due to the lack of the Lab color definition in the PPF file – sometimes an event related error message popped up on the client – the forced shape dropdown in the Screening type settings didn't work – the browse button didn't have an image in the Client options – the imposition dialog was initialized with 0 mm bleed instead of 3 mm. – the sizing > erase border dialog box had sizing issues – the imposition dialog wasn't translated – the ink duct control > diagram printed on, and the imposition > print job information dropdown boxes weren't initialized – dragging the zoom cursor outside of the view area dropped the zooming operation Build 136: – the job styles dialog was uninitialized on the first open – the splitters of the dockers didn't work properly Build 135: – magnifier and eyedrop cursors added; – the processing of the pre-press marks failed due to a path problem, so only existing marks worked from the cache; – new pre-press mark added: corner mark; – new dot shapes added: pincushion 30-35-40%; – the toolbar buttons could remain in pressed state (e.g. the Open button did it all the time). Build 134: – the preview of text marks could crash, making the imposition view (and generally the imposition task) unusable Build 133: – due to an initialization issue, certain objects were erronously detected as having registration color Build 132: – image trapping failed for jobs with more than 8 colors; – the negative flag in job styles was ignored; Build 131: – bug fixes in the new rendering module; – bug fixes in the orange-green-violet handling module of the proofing system. Build 130: – IMPORTANT! The gradients are now rendered with a fast MMX code; – IMPORTANT! The smallest dots of the screening system can be now visually selected; – IMPORTANT! The calibration curve editor now allows the curve smoothing to be turned off for certain setpoints by adding a '*' sign after the measured value (e.g. '50' measured as '55*'), particularly useful for bump-up curves; – IMPORTANT! The registration colors were mishandled in the new GS since build 125 (because of which users were advised to temporarily turn on the registration color auto-detection options); – gradient related problems (e.g. ink spread compensation vs. gradients) of build 129 fixed; – violet ink added and further improvements on the use of orange and green inks; – the proof linearization now uses fewer patches but with precise positioning at the changes of droplet use (light/normal inks, small/large droplet), this way avoiding non-linearities and monotonity errors; – In very rare cases some portions from images were omitted from image trapping; – Long-narrow patterns are now rendered much faster; – Densitometers which send the measurement results as plain text followed by CR-LF or LF on a serial port are now supported (tested on X-Rite 361T); – the user interface of the client for connecting to the server got improved (no more temporarily disabled buttons). Build 129: – WARNING!!! There are many deep changes, for alpha testing only! – IMPORTANT! The orange and green inks can be used now for proofing, reaching a wider gamut – IMPORTANT! The smallest dot can be now set visually (the operator can visually choose the desired small dot shape). – IMPORTANT! The gradient rendering has been completely rewritten. The new system is much faster, particularly in conjunction with trapping. NOTE that the even faster MMX code will be implemented in build 130. – IMPORTANT! New feed adjustment method created for Epson printers, yet only in the EpsonHeadTest.exe tool (will be added to the New engine wizard too) – panning feature added to the dot viewer (particularly useful on high magnification). – the proof linearization uses less pathces, leading to quicker linearization and low chance for non-linearity errors – preload option added to the Screen plugin – gravure and smallest cell optimization options could crash the screening module for certain LPI values – changing the limits table (or turning limits on or off) in the proof linearization wizard did not immediately update the percentages – the delta E based linearization formula gave unsatisfactory results for certain colors, replaced by better formula – negative Postscript files turned the job style into negative, but didn't use the negative calibrations as expected Build 128: – The direct contone rendering (introduced in build 125) could have erronous output on the last few pixels of the scanlines; – The direct contone rendering ignored the seamless settings; – the Ink index (introduced in build 122) only worked for CMYK jobs; – the retouch tool was unable to erase the bottom pixels of a page on certain magnifications due to a small rounding error; – changing the color of a plate was impossible if the job was in the history and the page object was selected in the tree view; – the GUI translation tool was missing for a while from the kit, now it's included again. Build 127: – the channels of CMYK-based spot colors were rounded to 0% or 100% by the proofing system, resulting in completely wrong colors on the proof for CMYK-based spot colors. – the advanced ganging used to fill in the media in their order in the Sheets list, starting a new media whenever no further page could be added; the new algorithm not consider the original order of the pages, this way achieving a better media usage ratio for jobs that don't fit onto a single piece of media. – the advanced ganging failed for roll feed and nonzero ganging gap. – the advanced ganging algorithm has been improved. – a debug code could cause an access conflict of the preview files. Build 126: – Pantone color definitions were sometimes interpreted erronously. – The trapping system could be uninitialized sometimes. Build 125: – IMPORTANT! The use of the new Ghostscript, as well as the much smarter implementation of the gradient rendering has significantly speeded up the processing of certain jobs; – Compatibility with the Epson P600; – Reading contone TIFF files with LZW compression didn't work; – Contone TIFF files are now rendered directly (rather than being embedded in PS) if no workflow tasks are use that would affect this (e.g. post-processing); – the new CMYK order implemented in build 122 only worked with the imposition being applied manually, now works properly; – Imposition index added to the Prepress mark properties, Text object dropdown, with the meaning of the index of the page in the order it appears on the sheet (left to right, top to bottom). – The Crop tool was sometimes erronously disabled. – The page navigation controls under the preview area were sometimes erronously disabled during the ripping of a job. – The zoom tool starts to draw the zoom rectangle with a delay (making the zoom rectangle misplaced/smaller than intended) – The selection rectangle in dropdowns could cover the scroll bar. – Performing a combine operation ends up with erronous selection in the job browser. – The Add page button on the context toolbar of the imposition view selects not just the newly added page, but also the first page. – The mechanism of remembering the last used job style could fail when the last used job style was within a folder. – Processing multi-page jobs in other ways than normal PS/PDF interpretation (such as creating proof charts, loading TIFF files directly etc.), and in the same time having them checked for printing started to send down the pages from the first page after a new pages has been processed (e.g. sending down C, then C, M, then C, M, Y etc.). The main affected scenario was running the contone proof wizard on a sheet fed printer, which has the job ticked by default. Build 124: – the IP-based Epson communication failed if more than one Print manager communicated through IP on the same PC. Build 123: – new feature: the 'Media index' (e.g. 1 for first plate, 66 for 66th plate etc.) field added to the available fields in the File name format parameter of the Saving TIFF task; – the CMYK order feature of build 122 was hardcoded to 'MCYK' for testing purposes – the Epson driver could crash after a New print engine wizard; – the preview system could crash for 180 deg rotated preview – the enhanced preview system brought by build 122 didn't have image for 180 deg rotation at all – the enhanced preview system could lose image parts on scrolling – the vertical size adjustment of the dockers wasn't smooth enough Build 122: – new feature: the order of the output TIFF files can be now set by the CMYK order parameter in the Imaging task; – new feature: the 'Ink index' (e.g. 1 for C, 2 for M etc.) field added to the available fields in the File name format parameter of the Saving TIFF task; – the preview system speeded up by a more efficient algorithm for throwing the preview requests which became unnecessary; – the Dot shape field in the Screening type settings dialog was faulty (shifted index); – the ganging algorithm didn't work well in certain (rare) situations; – changing the orders of jobs didn't work; – pressing the ENTER button in the Calibration curve editor dialog didn't go to the next table row, but instead closed the window; – the Limits fields in the Proof linearization wizard wasn't updated properly; – the Crop tool didn't work if only the numeric fields were used (without dragging the area); – the job style export could fail in certain conditions; – there was a synchronization bug in the Client application (scrolling the job while sending to the Print manager), which could cause random errors or crash. Build 121: – IMPORTANT! The client application is now compatible with touch screens; – various small client bugs fixed; – an erronous status answer from the Epson printer during the printing process could lead to failed printing, now this only happens after 30 failed attempts of getting a proper status answer; – the 360 nozzles/channel models (e.g. 4900) didn't work well on 720 dpi. Build 120: – Creating BigTIFFs could fail Build 119: – since build 116 (which added support for old Epson status info), if an Epson printer was detected offline in IP mode, it failed working, PM restart was needed; – the dry time paramter did not work correctly for Epson printers; – the feed adjustment didn't work correctly on the Epson P800; – the first inch of a page was printed using a different interlacing technique, leading to quality issues (slight shade difference); certain printers are now instructed to pull back the media, and to do the interlacing for the first inch just in the same way as for the rest of the page; yet only enabled for P800, further printers to be tested; – the twin mode for P800 didn't work previously (the cyan and magenta are shifted in the opposite direction as on the SP/SC-P series); Build 118: – certain Epson models cropped the page width by a few millimeters if the media was set to bounding box mode; – certain Epson models could indicate the page margin by a vertical line (this could happen only in bounding box mode or if the physical paper was wider than the set paper); – the R2000 and similar models with PK and MK inks did not follow the black ink setting. Build 117: – the proofing system of build 116 was compromised because of the yet unfinished orange-green-violet ink support – if the negative was applied from the DTP app, StudioRIP didn't handle it correctly – the mirroring wasn't applied with pixel precision if the use of the TIFF negative tag was unchecked – the seamless screening wasn't properly saved into the hash of the dot cache, causing erronous seamless screening in certain rare situations Build 116: – the memory management of RasterCore is greatly improved by allowing it to see the entire 32-bit address space – the Epson TCP/IP driver did not communicate with the old printers that used a different status reply protocol (e.g. 7600), now they do work. – the old 96 nozzles/channel printers (e.g. 7600) had faulty dot type/size settings, the output was overinked – the ink area calculation was sometimes (randomly) zero – outlines (strokes) painted by patterns did not work correctly Build 115: – the edge enhancement didn't work for density modulation (e.g. Epson), while it did work technologies not using density modulation (e.g. gravure). – with very large History folders jobs that were moved to History could cause an internal file open error. Build 114: – the docker fix of 112 did not solve all problems, dockers should work OK now. Build 113: – job styles exported by certain older builds could not be imported; – corrupt job styles could result in frozen import window, now we display an error message; Build 112: – pre-press marks containing plate ink area information are still not rendered for on-screen preview, but now are rendered for output; – docker initialization could crash on client startup, possibly causing other symptoms (e.g. frozen splash screen). Build 111: – references to pre-press marks that didn't exist in impositions styles created empty marks; – image requests for the minimap now only happen when actually needed (before this could slow down the preview system); – syncronization problems around the job deletion could result in RIP crash. Build 110: – job with very big size, very high dpi and very low lpi (with JobWidthPixels * HalftoneCellWidthPixels > 7FFF FFFF) could crash or produce corrupt screening; – the high resolution preview was sometimes lost, the RIP only displaying low res preview; – job locking/unlocking had a stability problem; – the job preview system had a stability problem (if a job was deleted while a low res preview was generated, it knocked out the preview system); – the Cancel on the Print engine properties dialog of the Epson driver button erased the table values in the Engine setup task of the job style; – minimizing the Client app sometimes didn't minimize it to the taskbar, but to the left-bottom corner of the desktop. Build 109: – the edge enhancement logic had still a small problem (for example C+M object on C background ended up with edge enhancement in the C channel too, although normally it's only needed in the M channel); – overprinted objects could cause wrong output in conjunction with edge enhancement; – the job delay functionality is solved with less system overhead; Build 108: – With the edge enhancement turned on, the ink spread compensation worked even if it was turned off. – The logic of the ink spread compensation or edge enhancement was based on the presence of a dark object touching a light object. This logic proved to fail in situations like a cyan object on a magenta background (where both the cyan and the magenta objects saw each other as dark objects). The new logic is plate oriented: if the cyan component of two objects is in dark-light relationship, the ink spread compensation or edge enhancement is performed on the cyan channel. – Automatic combine functionality added (jobs of the same resolution printed on the same printer can be automatically combined into one). – Delayed job release functionality added, to be used in conjunction with automatic combine (allowing a job to wait for another one to be combined with a given time, e.g. 5 minutes). Build 107: – the ECRM SCSI imagesetter driver had 3 different problems (Stringray mistyped in the Engine.ini, SPOOL instead of ECRMSCSI specified as driver type in the Engine.ini, and ECRMSCSI not handled in the Print manager.exe); – in negative mode without inverted dot shapes the screen test worked in the opposite way (shadow dot shapes/structure shown in highlights); – in negative mode without inverted dot shapes the screens were shifted with a half dot, causing the clear and dot centered dot shapes to work in the opposite way; – changing the lpi of a color through the angle table and then using a different screen type triggered by this changed lpi failed (although both functionalities worked separately); – Japanese translation added. Build 106: – CRITICAL FIX! Density values of over 100% (supposed to use VSD, typically on 1440x1440 dpi) did not work on Epsons; – CRITICAL FIX! Due to INI file acces policy problems the soft proof (export image) and ink duct control files could export wrong pages in certain circumstances. – the dot gain curves included by build 105 were not installed properly; – the usage conditions for the screen types were not displayed correctly in the Screening task of the job style; – imported job styles used the original path, now they are always named after the file name and placed into the root; – denstiomteter measurements can be imported from DAT files; – new dot shapes can be defined based on monochrome bitmaps from the GUI; – the Stop command could not have effect when the job was sent from the Server to the TIFF folder, if it was pressed between the processing of two pages (which could easily happen for small pages that were quickly output); Build 105: – standard offset dot gain curves included now (so one can make a dot gain compensation only by doing densitometer measurements on the printed paper). – the login window failed in certain situations. – the workflow task based ink duct control file naming convention is now smarter (using the real name of the sheet). – the client based ink duct control didn't work. Build 104: – white dots could appear in 100% tints or black dots could appear in 0% tints in special situations (very steep calibration curves, negative mode etc.), the new code is supposed to never do this anymore; – illegal file name characters in color names could result in RIP crash when raster proof was generated from jobs (manually or from workflow task); – 8-bit CMYK TIFF files with LZW compression weren't read correctly due to the alpha channel fix in 103; – the DLL for old processors was compiled with wrong settings, the RIP failed on certain older computers. – the Epson driver now sends the page length in 3 different ways (page length, page format, paper size), this is seems to be important for certain models such as the P800. Build 103: – IMPORTANT FIX. The multiprocess protection of the job stystem had a fault, it was possible that changes made by one process (e.g. RipServer.exe) were overwritten by another process (e.g. RasterCore.exe). This could lead to stability/reliability issues, one replicable problem was that while a job was ripped and sent to the Print manager in the same time, the workflow tasks (e.g. soft proof) were done twice for certain pages. – IMPORTANT FIX. The item management of jobs had a problem due to a recent speed improvement, potentially causing various faults (such as unfinished jobs could not be neutralized on startup). – IMPORTANT FIX. The new Epson driver published in 102 could stop the printing in case of unusual messages coming from the printer. – The Epson driver didn't do the timing correctly for connecting attempts (not connected printers didn't appear as offline for a long time). – Grayscale TIFF files containing an alpha channel were not opened properly. – Files with AI extensions are now accepted, – RasterCore now won't let Windows to go into standby mode while it is working, – The cache block size for bitmaps can be now adjusted from the GUI: small values are safe but slow, big values are faster but may fail, – Type 0 PDF functions could fail with zero sized domain. – The Epson P800 driver couldn't handle properly the platen gap and feed adjustment values. – Using the Ink duct control workflow task, the exported ink duct files were overwriting files with the same name, potentially leading to situations like two consecutive jobs called 'A.pdf' generating a single set of PPF files instead of two (the second overwriting the first one). Build 102: – IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT! The new Epson driver now has bidirectional communication in networking mode, offering a much smoother operation with better feedback. – CRITICAL FIX! Build 101 had a bug, bitmaps were wrongly rendered for dynamic density modulation (used both by DTF and DTP systems), for gravure or curve based density limitation (e.g. when 100% was printed as 80%). – curves used for limiting halftone percentage (e.g. 100% printed as 80%) didn't work properly before. – the order of CMYK colors on the plates could be swapped in special cases (e.g. the first page on the sheet being K-only, in which the colors became KCMY instead of CMYK), now the correct order is guaranteed. Build 101: – IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT! A new parameter called 'Full tint outline' appeared in the post processing task, Edge enhancement box. This is very useful in two different areas: (1) gravure customers can use this for adding a thin outline around their vector objects which instead of 100% are only of 80% or so, this way making the outline of these objects sharper; (2) inkjet CTF/CTP customers can use this for removing the density modulation at the edge of the vector objects, which in conjunction with the ink spread compensation makes the edges much sharper. New DTP/DTF job styles will be published soon, by then use ink spread compensation = 3 and full tint outline = 1. – a new optin called 'Neutralize gravure tonal range' appeared in the Limits tab, cutting of the flat area where the screen values don't change (e.g. if the limit is 80%, then 100% will print as 80%, but 99% will print as 79.2%). – Negative job styles without inverted dot shapes (used typically with imagesetters creating films for flexo) were doing the hybrid screens in the wrong way (the highlight effects appeared in the shadows). – Ganging gap parameter added. – Jobs recalled from the job browser history lost the selection in certain cases. – the initialization of the Epson parameters dialog had further problems. Build 100: – honeycomb and gravure dots could still fail for very high lpi, now a stable formula is implemented. – the RasterCore could crash for certain dot and calibration situations. Build 99: – spot colors (particularly the light ones) could have small accuracy issues because the paper color was mixed under them; – the setup app didn't show the customized OEM name on the header of the language dialog window; – orientation control added to the export image functionality; – the raster proof wizard inherited the ink duct control and export image tasks from the target job style, which obviously makes no sense; – the orientation setting of raster proofs was overwritten to normal when performed from the Print proof command (ignoring the setting of the raster proof job style); – on systems with certain code pages (e.g. Japanese) the new Epson.dll could send corrupt data to the printer; – the Epson settings dialog opened from the job style still contained a few badly initialized parameters; – the network share fix of build 97 restulted in error for client-only installations. Build 98: – due to a DLL file version problem the speed calibration curve bug fix of 97 wasn't properly fixed in 97, now the right versions of files are included. Build 97: – the network share of the incoming the hot folder system (as well as the button creating shortcuts pointing to them) did not work because the hot folder wasn't shared; – steep calibration curves could result in not purely white or black tints, particularly for negative job sytles, due to an inaccurate formula in the code that applied the curves; – interpreting jobs as pre-separated (mostly forced to by the pre-separated option in the Separations task) could result in plates without proper color name, now these plates are defaulted to 'Black'. Build 96: – CRITICAL FIX. The new Epson driver failed for non-IP modes (didn't close the job properly after printing); – CRITICAL FIX. The new Epson driver failed for old models (which didn't share paper size info) in IP mode; – the retouch tool didn't work for separations; – the Edit values button in the Engine setup task worked offline too for Epson printers, but certain values weren't properly initialized; – when job styles appeared in combo boxes (e.g. print calibration dialog), subfolders didn't open by clicking on the node triangle; Build 95: – unicode encoding of file names now applies to file names coming through the Postscript driver (using the StudioRIP shared printers); – the crop edges could not be moved by the mouse; Build 94: – *** CRITICAL CHANGE FOR EPSON USERS *** – Epson driver: using networking (IP: rather than SPOOL:) the communication is now bidirectional with much better user experience (the printer status is properly monitored, including media size detection and consumable warnings), also offering a workaround for the firmware bug of the SC-T is (front fed media is sometimes refused if the job is already buffered), because the job starts printing only when the media is loaded; – Epson driver: the STOP command had responsiveness issues; – Epson driver: the cut command now works; Build 93: – certain file names didn't get through to the RasterCore and then back to the GS console, now proper unicode encoding is used; – zoomable dot preview; – cassette management didn't work in the print manager; – the item manager had problems for very large number of items (such as the job browser with a large history), now it has significantly improved speed; – wrong formula for the flexo distortion; – 180 deg preview rotation (using the buttons under the viewing area) resulted in shifted image with DirectX canvas – the default zoom for cropped pages is now based on the cropped size (in the previous version was based on the uncropped size); – pages created from crops are now getting a decent name (e.g. "Crop #2 from Page 1"); – the Edit values button in the Engine setup task now works in offline mode for Epsons (that is, without the Server being connected to the Print manager), and is also more responsive. – the Copy values button in the Printer setup task now has a timeout, after which it displays an error box. Build 92: – Epson printers with 360 nozzles/channel failed on 2880 dpi. Build 91: – RasterCore could fail with PS error and render empty pages for in rare situations; – the crop didn't have pixel accuracy due to the internal conversion into mil (1/1000"), now the crop tool works in pixels and is perfectly accurate. Build 90: – Same shape below N pixels option enhanced, N can be now any number; – Same shape below N pixels: for N > 1 the center of mass balance was miscalculated, resulting in noisier halftones; – Same shape below N pixels: it was applied equally for highlights and shadows, now there are two different settings for them; – The gravure optimized screen was still crashing in certain cases; – CRITICAL FIX!!! The averaging of the dot gain compensation module was faulty, for non-cyan colors the resulting compensation curve was wrong; – The number of charts averaged in the dot gain wizard wasn't displayed when no cyan was measured; – The CMYK check boxes in the dot gain wizard were too close to each other, too confusing; – Further small bugs in the andvanced ganging and its GUI on the Media view toolbar – CRITICAL FIX!!! Earlier versions could have garbage in certain parts of the preview area (typically the background), on most depending on the canvas used (typically the problem that was present on hardware DirectX disappeared on software DirectX). – LAB bitmaps could crash the RasterCore. – changing the halftone type within the page could cause corrupt image at the proximity of the halftone change in negative mode. Build 89: – build 88 had a wrong DLL version, didn't start up Build 88: – the crop tool didn't show preview for the cropped area; – the crop tool had an initialization issue, sometimes showing wrong crop area. Build 87: – IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE!!! Crop tool added, much smarter than the previous crop command. – IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE!!! Advanced ganging options added (able to collect pages of different sizes on the media). – Bleed limit parameters added to the Imposition task, Imposition dialog and Bleed toolbar (earlier versions had problems with pages with too large bleeds). – The Client options > Canvas type parameter wasn't saved correctly. Adjusting this parameter might be necessary on certain systems when GUI problems appear in the client application (typically flickering). – Spot color related bug fixed in the DI driver. – Plugin buffer setting added to the I32 driver. – The new LPI-to-color linking didn't behave correctly in certain scenarios, fixed. – The TIFF driver could crash for reading LZW compressed files in certain conditions. Build 86: – Unequal parameters in the Sizing task were saved correctly, but then displayed incorrectly on open. – 17" roll added to the paper sizes. Build 85: – The preview system could fail in certain conditions (image export with low dpi and small marks); – The lpi value now can be linked to colors, just like the angles (e.g. cyan can print on different lpi); – Further improvements on the multi-language translation system (unnecessary translations removed from the English files, all non-translated items added). Build 84: – Dead nozzle registration done in wrong way in earlier versions of EpsonHeadTest.exe for SureColor T printers; – Convert spot to process could cause wrong color separation in certain cases; Build 83: – flexo distortion calculated in two different ways – GUI translation system updated Build 82: – stability problem with cachedini.dll; – in certain cases gravure dots still could fail; – collation marks didn't work well when it was ambiguous whether one or two marks need to be placed on the sheet, now it has a smarter algorithm to decide; – the export button on the job style dialog didn't save the current changes; – the dispro control didn't allow enough decimals; Build 81: – dots cached before build 76 (including the ones imported from the jobstyle files) were not recognized by the RIP (and therefore both the dots and the pre-press marks were re-generated, which was particularly painful for the inkjet dots where a dot generation can take up to 30-60 minutes); – further improvements on the scrollbar behavior vs. other controls; – new GUI option for the used canvas type (DirectX, GDI Plus), useful on certain systems where the default canvas type doesn't work well (flickering, incorrect font size etc.) – the ink duct diagrams made from the job style task have the visual diagram and the table background missing (having only the numbers); – the ink duct diagrams made from the menu had the text in CMYK (rather than black with light CMYK background), making it difficult to read; – the ink duct control indicated 0% in areas where there were objects (the 0 being rounded down from values below 0.5%), now these values are rounded up (so 1% is indicated even for 0.001%); – changing the press profile didn't work after a manual ink duct control was performed. Build 80: – the Gravure option added by bulid 79 didn't work for certain LPI values; – P10000 still had a problem on 2400 dpi, solved; – the DrvTiff.dll had two version in the install kit, and the newer was replaced by the older (the old one having a bug related to the compression settings); – the canvas engine used by the client was causing issues on certain systems; – the scroll bars didn't work properly in earlier versions (e.g. the page up/down feature had scrolled wrong amounts). Build 79: – new option added: Gravure optimized screen, which will optimize the screening system for absolutely perfect dot structure at the maximum percentage of the 45 degrees halftone (sharp, uniform walls between the rhombus dots); – the photo job styles (created optionally by the last step of the contone/halftone proof wizards) will do color management on the incoming CMYK colors (treating them as offset rather than inkjet CMYK): although this won't allow anymore the direct control of the CMYK colors of the printer, it will instead print the 'normal' CMYK colors as the average customer would expect (i.e. simulating the offset colors with relative colorimetry); Build 78: – memory leak or possible crashes in the CachedIni.dll – the preview.dll could crash in certain (rare) situations – memory leak in the Server (the ink duct control leaked for multi-page jobs) – asymmetrical gutters were messed up for sheetwise jobs (the back side gutters are expected to be mirrored, but weren't); – the Apply button of the imposition dialog was sometimes disabled; – the variable data printing feature did not work correctly with multi-page master jobs; – the TIFF output driver can separate composite jobs into separated TIFF files (using the None option for the Interlacing setting); – EpsonHeadTest.exe updated with better test patterns. Build 77: – The remaining P10000 problems solved, now both 1200 and 2400 dpi modes are tested and work fine. Build 76: – The Epson dead nozzle registration improved (PK and MK also accepted on machines with separate channels such as the SureColor T series, and dead nozzle detection tool added, see EpsonHeadAlignment.exe in the StudioRIP program files folder); – The transparency fix of build 75 did not work, now it should; – The hexagonal screening accepts two angles now (so black and cyan/magenta will be on different angles and can be used for bi-color jobs); – The hexagonal screening could not be unchecked in the screen settings dialog (the check box re-appeared after reopen); – The compression type in the engine paramerters of the TIFF output driver was sometimes lost; – When a job style was imported, the name of the imported job style was its original name (even if the file name was changed); now the file name will be used as the new name. Build 75: – Epson P10000 compatibility problems solved. – Dot gain compensation improvement: using the 'Add chart' button several dot gain compensation charts can be averaged. – Dot gain compensation improvement: a new, smaller dot gain chart is used that is supposed to cause less non-linearity issues. – Dot gain compensation improvement: for one or two color presses partial dot gain compensations can be done (e.g. C and M only), and then all colors can be merged at the end. – The transparency system had color management issues on certain systems, now it's supposed to be OK. Build 74: – Improvements on the dongleless license system (build 73 or older may have failed on certain hardware changes such as removing/adding USB devices). Build 73: – various memory leaks in the item management module (causing the RipServe.exe memory space to slowly grow up until the phase it refused to allocate memory). Build 72: – the proofing system used too small stochastic cells that could cause visible patterning; the new cells are expected to be just smoother, but to not produce any color differences – but we can't exclude the possibility that the upgrade might cause slight color differences on proofs; – the stochastic cells used by the interlacing module of the Epson plugin (RIP-based MicroWeaving) was too small and possibly interfering with the cells used for screening; – the proofing system didn't limit the small dot coverage (used in VSD mode, e.g. 3.5 pl droplets on 720 dpi used in highlights), and the 100% pattern was prone to produce banding; now it's limited by default to 70%, the value is adjustable from the GUI; it is backward compatible (old profiles still use 100%); – as high black generation is prone to banding even on printers with LK and LLK inks, StudioRIP will suggest by default low black generation from here on (higher black generation modes remain available); – the proof linearization wizard had too small tolerance for measurement errors, now errors of up to 2% are automatically fixed by the system with interpolation; – the proof linearization wizard allowed row index of 0 (while rows are numbered from 1); – the low lpi fix of build 66 had a twin code with the same bug, now both are fixed; Build 71: – the preview module had a crash that appeared very rarely, – Motorola byte orders in TIFFs were not supported (Macs used to save such files), – New Presstek device added to the device list, – LZW compression added to the CMYK and N-Color soft proofs (Export image task/command), – PDF soft proofs couldn't create files of over 2 GB, – the gutters in the imposition dialog behaved strangely, and didn't accept decimals, – new job style parameter added: "Keep empty but registration marked plates", – the overprint could crash certain processors due to a different implementation of an SSE operation, – trapping bitmaps on low resolution could rarely lead to crashes, – complex spot color jobs could be converted in wrong way into CMYK, – bitmap trapping slightly faster, – 16 bits/channel bitmaps weren't handled properly, – Ghostscript 9.20 included, fixing several interpretation issues. Build 70: – text marks were placed in slightly wrong position in certain conditions – unavailable network printers could crash the Server – the Setup app didn't correctly detect the lack of the SSE3 instruction set – the empty plate detection fix of build 69 was faulty, and introduced additional rendering issues; fixed. Build 69: – since a few builds ago the animation of zooming in-out (performed also on non-explicit zoom operations) became extremely slow, making the Client unresponsive; animation taken out temporarily. – collation marks now work in the case of impositions where one printed sheet will be cut in two and folded separately (so collation marks need to go between pages 1-16 and 17-32 instead of 1-32); this is automatically detected by the positions of the pages; – the media size change done on the media toolbar was sometimes ignored; – New option in Separation task, ink exception tab in order to take in account the SeparationOrder device parameter for disabling plates. – Both native gray and grayscale indexed CMYK images were counted as contributors on non-K plates. Now fixed, which results in a great improvement for empty plate detection. – Convert DeviceGray to Gray (K) option became default for new job styles. Build 68: – builds 61-67 have GUI issues (floating windows misbehaving) due to a compiler upgrade, build 68 is now compiled with the downgraded compiler until the problems are solved. Build 67: – new option for inverting positive curves in negative mode (depending on how it was measured originally: positive printing with positive reading, or negative printing with positive reading – either with inverting densitometer or by measuring in a phase where the print is already positive); – the import command failed for job styles exported by older versions. Build 66: – negative calibrations could be applied in the wrong way in certain situations (invert dot shape and positive curve) – low lpi could cause crash or faulty dots – custom frequencies and angles of spot components from sethalftone operator were ignored if the spot colors in question weren't previously defined Build 65: – build 64 had a debug sequence that made the preview almost useless. Build 64: – the ink duct control had a memory leak that on long term could cause various problems; – the job style export did not export certain proof related files in certain conditions; – HP DesignJet D5800 added; Build 63: – bitmaps with higher resolution than the target device could cause crash in case of image trapping or convert to process; – oveprinted CMYK + spot bitmaps could cause faulty rendering with convert to process or bitmap trapping; – if a spot color only appeared in a pattern, the given spot color weren't recognized by the RIP. Build 62: – the 'Invert dot shape in negative mode' option didn't work properly; – the smoothness of gradients can be now controlled from the Interpretation task; – re-ripping of the job wasn't triggered by the negative related options; – the Client crashed or misbehaved when History jobs were moved to root of viewed; – the Client crashed on certain job style exports; – the job style export ignored certain settings (e.g. including the ICC profile); – various fixes in the licensing system (erronously displayed options fixed, better responsiveness etc.). Build 61 – dragging files to the client app didn't work in certain conditions – the client-server version conflict wasn't properly managed, now it displays warning box if the communication is not compatible – PS/PDF file names starting or ending with spaces could cause problems, now we have further protection against them Build 60: – on certain systems the client app had a faulty preview (grid appearing in the preview) – big sized negative prints on Epson printers could have overinking issues (BigTIFF + negative + dynamic density modulation together could produce a problem). Build 59: – Timed licences can be issued without a physical dongle, assuming that there is internet connection towards the StudioRIP activation server. A c2v file is generated just like with a hard key, and a v2c file is sent back also in the same way. The whole functionality will be the same, except (1) only timed licenses are allowed, (2) only internet-enabled computers can work this way. Build 58: – channels could be lost in bitmaps with 17 or more channels; – option to convert RGB0 to K100; – new switch for Open Gray bitmap jobs as RGB; – GUI protection for now allowing process colors to be ignored or converted to process color; – Too much memory used for 4-component colors. Build 57: – the job styles are saved as .jobstyle files to avoid conflicts with general use ZIP files Build 56: – various stability fixes of the Client app – the Server could fail sometimes on sending TIFFs from Job browser to Print manager with Wrong compression type message (and it's possible that this bug was causing other trobule) – the job styles are now saved as ZIP files rather than as INIs. Build 55: – CRITICAL!!! The Epson.dll replaced the linear fading of the pass interlacing with cosinusoidal fading since June 2015, but due to a smal error in the formula, the result became much worse than before. The bug didn't affect 2880 dpi, but did affect 1440x1440 or even more 1440x720. Now the formula is fixed, and the results are very smooth (e.g. 50 lpi @ 1440x720 dpi is smooth and banding free on film). – repeating marks with missing/erronous PS/PDF could crash the imposition system. Build 54: – Some new Windows 10 editions refuse to install the 32 bit drivers of the PS printers (useful for serving 32-bit workstations connecting to it), this was causing installation failure, as well as StudioRIP administration service failure. Now these errors are silently ignored, and the system remains functional. Build 53: – color management could crash at new pages. – processors with older MMX instruction set could crash with out of memory for registration colors. – gray bitmaps now handled in the K channel only, saving RAM in certain extreme cases. – the ignore option was faulty in the separations > ink exceptions tab Build 52: – WARNING!!! This fix may produce different results!!! Devices with positive linearization curves – that is, the curve is (1) positive, and (2) is under the Response node – did not have the linearization applied correctly if the job was printed in negative. In the new system these curves are inverted so then the printed 50% of the negative film will measure as 50% indeed (before it was ever farther from 50% as before calibration). – the halftone proofing mixed up the high and low black generation patches on interpolation, resulting in poor accuracy (this problem was probably present since v3); – the linearization wizard could produce non-linear output, leading to accuracy issues and other problems; – various other proofing related bugs. Build 51: – bitmaps files opened directly (e.g. directly JPEG rather than PDF) and rotated using the Sizing task didn't rotate correctly; – overprint problems; – jobs with large bitmaps had memory management issues, and could process for hours (vs. minutes now). – bitmaps of around 4 GB could fail or process very slowly Build 50: – TIFF files encoded as BigTiff had wrong resolution value. This started to become a problem lately, since we automatically use BigTiff when there is a potential risk of the normal TIFF not being able to cope with the image data. – Too long source file names could crash/lock the RIP (that's because Windows refuses to deal with paths longer than 260 characters, unless very special path syntax is used which is too difficult now to change StudioRIP for); the not perfect but workable solution is that the job folder name remains long, but within the folder a 'Source.pdf/tif/etc' name is used for the file, which decreases the risk of problems (before the file name length doubled). Build 49: – the ink duct control and soft proof tasks disabled on child jobs opened by the proof task. Build 48: – the ink duct control failed due to the failure of reading the press profile – computer with older processors were unable to RIP files (the DLL for older processors was faulty). Build 47: – the Epson SC-Tx200 series weren't automatically found on the network. Build 46: – inks stored in folders were not transferred properly to the Print manager, resulting in black print on proofs; – inks having non-integer color definitions did the same as above; – RasterCore could crash for certain multi-page jobs having overprint only on certain pages; – spot to process conversion fault with trapping turned on. Build 45: – memory leak fixed in Client app, causing contant restart of the Client app, especially when doing many preview related operations. Build 44: – new Epson devices added, not tested yet (SureColor P10000, WorkForce M100). Note that SureColor P10000 works with host based MW only, and probably will print rubbish with printer based MW, so either leave its settings on default, or set explicitly to host based MW. Build 43: – the automatic BigTIFF handler did not work properly for composite jobs (did not count in the multiple pages per TIFF), causing potential failure typically for large inkjet proofs. Build 42: – RasterCore fixes. – The fix of 41 seemed to not work in the final build, only in the test version. Build 42 now reverts to the test version, hopefully this does work. Build 41: – the hot folder system wasn't compatible with Windows 7 and Prinergy (for unclear reasons, probably an OS problem), now we found a workaround to make it work. Build 40: – the proof linearization wizard was messing up the ink limits in certain situations, – the spot to process conversion could fail in case of complex colors, – the trapping could produce wrong results in certain cases. Build 39: – a cache problem in RasterCore causing speed & stability issues. Build 38: – The hot folder logic of build 37 inhanced by a server option controlling whether the subfolders of hot folders should be ignored or not; – Inks defined in any other place than the root of the ink manager were not seen by the proofing system; Build 37: – The hot folder logic is now simplified, as follows: (1) only jobs in valid hot folders are processed (e.g. Hot folder\Job style\job.prn is processed, while Hot folder\job.prn or Hot folder\Job style\Temp\job.prn are both ignored), (2) subfolders of Hot folder\ with no reference in the job styles are generally deleted, but subfolders of valid hot folders are not (e.g. Hot folder\Job Style\Temp\ is not deleted, while Hot folder\Temp\ is deleted) – New setting in the Separation task: 'Override embedded ICC profiles' (inherited from a rarely used old setting with a similar meaning). ***WARNING*** Existing installations have this option turned off, and this may cause unwanted results, for example newer CorelDraw versions have the 'Embed color profile' option checked by default in the Publish to PDF dialog, and this will instruct StudioRIP to do CMYK->CMYK color transforms, changing original CMYK values. Note that earlier versions of StudioRIP ignored embedded color profiles, so this may become to be a problem. – Updating the print manager after job style changes could be extremely slow if some job styles referred to computers that weren't visible on the network, causing a delay after adding/editing job styles; now a caching system makes this delay shorter. – The job style export embedded things that weren't used (e.g. grayed out proofer job styles). – The job style export didn't embed the cached dots due to a hash calculation problem. – The job style import could crash. – A wrong pattern buffer size in RasterCore could make certain jobs to process extremely slow. Build 36: – Build 35 had an initialization issue with contone/halftone proofing (the most visible effect was fine colored lines on the right side of the job in certain scanlines). Build 35: – In certain cases the Print manager was unable to feed the printer (particularly the high speed ones like the SC-T series) with data, therefore the printer was waiting after each head scan for data arriving. Faster PC was generally a solution, but now we come with software improvements that should make very unlikely that the Epson will ever wait for data for contone and halftone proofs (the speed improvement is about 1.5-2x for existing proof job styles, and 3-4x for new ones created with contone optimized rasterization). – The speed improvement above also increases the quality of contone proofs (the halftone optimized rasterization could sometimes lead to visible patterns and inconsistent color). – In cases when the created TIFF files could exceed the 4 GB limit of the standard TIFF specification, StudioRIP will automatically use the BigTIFF specification. Note that some TIFF readers do not comply with this, in such cases we recommend the use of the TIFF output plugin, and force the BigTIFF option to FALSE – in most cases a good compression (such as G4) will keep the file size under 4 GB. – Due to a silly encoding bug that is probably there from the beginning of StudioRIP proofing, in case the maximum light ink density in the proof linearization wizard happened to contain the character '2', the VSD was turned on, and the light ink limit was compromised. The reason this wasn't reported for a decade is that in normal circumstances this doesn't happen: the light ink limit is adjusted automatically in steps based on the physical ink limit, and the only step containing '2' is the one applied for the physical ink limit below 130. So the bug only caused problems either for physical ink limit of below 130 (which is an extreme value) or for manually adjusted light ink limit. – The module that displayed the splash screen could crash if the texts were falling outside of the bitmap; also, empty texts in the wrong places could mess up the transparency. Build 34: – the backup utility of the Server failed or restore if started from its normal start menu shortcut because of the current directory setting of the shortcut (now the current directory is changed dynamically during backup); – job style names containing the '.' character didn't work correctly – the ItemManager.dll part of the fix wasn't included into build 32, now it is; – the IO Table could fail for charts that have different geometry than the one defined in the spectrophotometer setup wizard – this typically happens for external PDF charts like the dot gain compensation or test proof charts. Now the IO table driver became smarter: if internally generated charts are read, the number of rows is calculated from the coner-to-corner distances and the patch size (and error is raised if the expected width doesn't match the real width), while if external charts are read, the patch width and height is calculated from the corner-to-corner distances and the known number of rows and columns (therefore stretched charts are easily read); – replaced (symptom?) Build 33: – CIP3 (PPF) output used ',' instead of '.' as decimal separator in certain regional environments, causing failure on press side; – PPD file creation did not work since the word 'StudioRIP' has been removed from file names; – Proof wizards could lock on multi-page jobs (e.g. IO table charts); – take-up and supply cassette amounts were shown as 10x more than real amount; Build 32: – GUI problem with the white overprint – importing job styles with calibration curves of the same name but different content erased the old curve – job style names containing the '.' character didn't work correctly – GUI problem with the convert DeviceGray to Gray checkbox Build 31: – the correct version of build 30. Build 30: – **REMOVED** due to a forgotten log which slows down the processing, making the RIP almost unusable. Please use Build 31 instead, it will be available shortly. – ganging didn't work for drum devices; – the cut command for Avantra imagesetters didn't wait for the command to be completed; Build 29: – the i1IO Table driver fixed and tested, – stability issues fixed in the i1 driver, – preseparated jobs could crash if the Throw all channels but K was not set, – with black overprint checked it could crash or produce wrong results, – white could be considered erronously as overprinted, – gray conversion options weren't properly saved from the Client Build 28: – ***BIG CHANGE*** The screening system was greatly improved (hexagonal screens + promises made on the v4 Drupa flyer). Negative effects are unlikely, but not impossible (I don't exclude that certain halftones will have moiré that didn't have before – although I find it unlikely). – So far the screen dots weren't optimized for constant center of gravity. This caused slightly noisier tints for non-regular angles (such as 15, 75, 37.5 etc.). Now we have a fine balance between 3 constraining factors: constant center of gravity (not present in v3), compatct shape (= as few sticking-out pixels as possible, present in v3) and sticking to the original dot shape as much as possible without compromising the first two. We expect slightly smoother tints for non-regular angles. – The low-pass filtering was applied as a constant noise over the entire range: a low-pass filtering of 2% added 2% noise at 3% in the same way as on 50% – not a very wise thing, users were often complaning about the excessive noise in the highlights. Now we apply the noise gradually: setting a 2% low pass filtering, 2% noise is applied over 50%, but only 0.2% is applied over 5%. – Hexagonal screening added: only available with two dedicated dot shapes (set from the hexagonal option, the regular dot shape setting is ignored), one optimized for gravure (thin lines in shadows between the screen dots), the other for normal prints (such as offset, flexo etc., regular round dots in shadows). The shadow part of hybrid screening is disabled for hexagonal (hybrid only working in highlights). It only has a single angle, therefore it's recommended only for non-overlapping halftones (although process color printing is possible with hexagonal screens, the implementation was too difficult and the side-effects were too high compared to its modest advantages). Hexagonal is recommended for monochrome works, where it gives a significantly smoother look (less obvious grid structure). – trapping didn't work correctly for more than 8 colors. – rare crash on bitmap rendering – objects missing on certain preseparated files. solution: GUI change, allowing operators to handle such situations – disabling white overpring didn't work – certain hidden contents of PDF files (such as line grid) rendered – spot color angles could not be applied in certain situations – black ink arriving with custom halftone wasn't treated as black from overprint point of view – CleverCTP added to the engine list, drivers updated accordingly – the profiler was crashing for certain extreme values (typically too few patches) – the StudioRIP administrator service had a memory/handle leak, and could fail to properly start/stop the processes (such as the RasterCore and Reader) Build 27: – ***CRITICAL*** the installer delay fix of build 24 caused read access issues on certain systems, now it's hopefully OK; systems that are already faulty (giving INI file access errors) need either manual security settings adjustment of the ProgramData\StudioRIP folder and all its contents (granting write access to the account that runs the apps), or complete uninstall&reinstall; – CMY colors of objects lost in certain situations; – the cut/stop after page flags did not work correctly in the PM docker GUI; – the item manager could crash in certain situations on startup; – convert to grayscale or convert spot to process modes could crash. Build 26 – the preview system of build 25 was faulty, for example not showing the preview for freshly ripped jobs; – the smootness of gradients was on coarse value in build 25, causing visible steps in gradients; – the bottom alignment for drum machines was faulty; – the automatic rotation was set to clockwise, from here on it will be counterclockwise; this is much more logical in several scenarios (drum machine, ganging etc.); – small speed improvement in the color cache; – a bug affecting overprints fixed; – unnecessary TIFF files weren't deleted properly; – extra logging for TIFF file creation in RasterCore. Build 25: – moving the proof wizard windows (e.g. contone proof wizard) while the test job was processing had disasterous results (client crashing or misbehaving); – the server in build 24 wasn't compiled with release option (slower + debug window on close); – in certain conditions (empty job list, new job appearing) the preview system could crash due to a fix in build 24. Build 24: – ***CRITICAL*** the preview.dll of build 23 was faulty, several functionalities involving TIFF saving from within the server (such as retouch, raster proof etc.) were dead; – the installer had a long delay when the Finish button was pressed; – various RasterCore crashes; – line cap rendering issue for certain jobs; – false colors might appear for certain jobs, especially in case of vignettes; – exporting the Epson print Engine properties did not save the extension; – the position of the marks could not be adjusted in imposition view; – selecting the arrow tool could crash the client app; – checking the job (for sending to the PM) changed the preview tab; – changing the page number in the navigation controls under the preview area didn't have any effect; – using the measuring tool, the measurement was interrupted if the mouse has left the page area; – in the gutters tables the TAB button didn't jump to the next line; – the spot color database is updated, 14K known colors instead of the previous 4K. Build 23: – RasterCore crash for certain jobs; – the force nonzero overprint option sometimes didn't work correctly; – in the case of response curves like 90% prints as 100%, 100% also prints as 100%, the RIP has the freedom to print the 100% with whatever value between 90-100% (as they all measure 100%), before it chose 90% in such cases, now it chooses 100%; – GUI created for HotFolderTimeout (which so far was a hidden setting in the ServerOptions.ini); – the ink spread compensation did not work since the new, faster color handling and trapping has been implemented; – the ink spread compensation and trapping used together could fail; – the ink spread compensation could produce lower quality because of the resolution reduction option of the trapping – but while for a trap a slightly worse resolution is invisible, for the ink spread compensation it may be visible; – the halftone proof used inverted dot shape for negative jobs; – the halftone proof used wrong lpi (in case of different dpi on the target and proofer device) for profiling; – the halftone proof used wrong screen parameters on proofing (e.g. the lpi of the proof wasn't correct); Build 22: – The raster proof wizard saved the inverted calibration curve, causing out of tolerance proofs (except when no calibration curve was used, in which case the inverted curve was the same). – The ink manager uses floating point values, allowing higher precision color definitions. – The color checker has now the ability to save the measured colors into the ink manager. – Alphabetic sorting of items was case sensitive (that is, 'B' was before 'a'). – Various bugs introduced by the removed build 21 fixed. Build 21: – **REMOVED** due to bugs – ************ WARNING ************* Major changes in RasterCore's color handling module, especially overprints. Speed improvements are expected. Also, we've split the code into two DLLs, one for processors with newer MMX instruction set, another one for older processors. This is expected to be the last step before the transparency implementation. – the ink duct control bitmap export with invalid or unwritable path could cause out of memory error; – empty sheet (i.e. imposition scheme resulting in a sheet containing a page that does not exist) with mark using the darkest ink crashes the imposition (either in RasterCore or applying the imposition from the Client). – low lpi/dpi ratio could crash the screen generator module, or even without crash, the low pass filtering did not work correctly in certain low lpi/dpi scenarios. – screen frequencies below 30 lpi were forced to 30 lpi, now even extreme combinations like 10 lpi @ 5080 dpi work well. – although jobs from printer ports displayed the right job name in the job browser, in a large number of other places (created TIFF, ink duct, bitmap export etc. files, job information, pre-press mark info etc.) the physical folder name (that is, 'job from printer port') was used. – the device manager could be in conflict with the print managers opening the Settings.ini file (when both tried to open it in the same time, it displayed an error message). – the negative & invert dot shape & Limits combination didn't work correctly (the limits were applied in the opposite way). – Edit Calibration button from within Job Style did nothing – Test Button in Dot Gain Conmpensation manager removed – Sheet can be now resized with the Arrow tool Build 20: – the ink coverage calculator used high res bitmaps which could take minutes on high res & large size, now it works from the preview files as it's been designed; – the spot color mark fix of build 13 lead to corrupt TIFF output in case of contone jobs; – the Mako imagesetters didn't have the SCSI driver listed – the 'Open copy with job style' option (or its equivalents, e.g. the Proof task which opens a copy of a job with the proof job style) did not initialize the media of the first job (which launched the processing of the copy) to done state, so the job could not be sent to the PM unless something initialized it (e.g. a media size setting). Build 19: – the caribration curves non't need to go from corner to corner (0-0 to 100-100) from now on, so the role of the Limits tab can be overtaken by a calibration curve (e.g. printing as 80% everything above 80%, or printing az 0 everything below 5%); – the Epson device properties dialog did not work well in non-English languages. – scale and distance tools added to the prepress mark list, just like in v3 – wizards changed to fit the texts – further ItemManager bug – changing the connection settings restarts the client only when necessary – the ink area calculation had two bugs (wrong value, probably since v4, and failing to generate output since the lock security improvements); – the retouch tool did not work for separations; – the maximum ink limit improvement of build 17 did not work, there was still one place with a hard coded limit of 220%; – the desktop Epson models with 180 nozzles/channel didn't use the right resolution and/or droplet sizes due to an error in the Engines.ini file; – the RasterCore had a trivial assembly bug (a register wasn't restored well), it's possible that it has caused problems in the past; – the new curve button didn't work in the calibration docker. Build 18: – Acrobat Reader DC included; – the DI driver had problems with spot colors; – the TIFF driver did not output 8-bit contone TIFFs (meaning that basically there was no way to output TIFFs for most DTP apps that did not handle 16-bit TIFFs); – marks were difficult to move manually because they were under the pages, now they're on the top; – the ID-based mark management of v3 wasn't well handled, now the upgrade to v4 is supposed to be OK; – stability issues in the item management fixed; Build 17: – Big supercells (typically on low lpi and high dpi combination) in conjunction with shifted hybrid screening could fail (the fixed point math was out of range, now it's floating point); – Profiling in ceartain conditions (typically poor paper/ink combination) was difficult because the paper couldn't handle 200% of ink. Now the maximim ink limit is lowered to 100%, which is supposed to be enough for pretty much everything above toilet paper. Build 16: – marks set to the 'black or darkest color on sheet' could slow down the imposition a lot (computing the darkest color for each appearance of a crop mark could mean thousands of requests for the neutral density of the ink, each time searching for the ink in the database); now the darkest ink is found once per imposition; – The push in creep could overlap pages, which messed up thealgorithm used for setting the bleed for neigboring pages (the bleed was shared by two neighboring pages, but in case of overlap the algorithm gone mad). As in case of overlapping pages it isn't obvious whether the overlapping pages are neighbors (small overlap) or multi-layered (big overlap), now the bleed sharing between horizontal neighbors only happens if horizontally the overlap is under 10% (that is, the pages are neighbors with possibly a small overlap), and vertically the overlap is above 90% (that is, the pages are in the same row). The logic is identical for vertical neighbors. – 'StudioRIP' sequences in the files of the program folder replaced to the more neutral 'RIP', allowing OEMs to hide the origin of the software; – the server shutdown could fail/crash if a job style was referring to an unreachable print manager; – PS files with wrong inter-page initialization could crash the RIP; – the customized name of Client on taskbar didn't always work on Win10. – devices added – the page navigation buttons under the preview area didn't work in certain cases; – in certain cases the imposition was refreshed when it wasn't necessary; Build 15: – the backup step of the setup wasn't translated – the Client icon on the Windows taskbar didn't show the customized name – export image page range did not work – Large history prevented server starting – Read only mode of cached INI files (used in imposition) could crash Build 14: – the negative mode, inverted dot shaped could and post processing options used together could crash the RIP; – builds made in the last month had an optimization feature turned on, causing slightly slower rendering (=Saving TIFF phase) performance Build 13: – impositions made by the RasterCore (through the imposition task of the job style) were not using the new shared INI system, blocking other modules (e.g. preview) and potentially causing timeouts; – the progressive proofing was dead for quite a long time, nobody noticed so far, now it's working again; – the v3 functionality that spot colors used in pre-press marks are automatically re-mapped to the spot colors of the current job is now working in XF too (e.g. Pantone 1 and Pantone 2 are used in the pre-press mark, Pantone 3 and Pantone 4 are used in the job, so the Pantone 1 channel of the pre-press mark will be printed with Pantone 3, and Pantone 2 with Pantone 4). – too complex overprints were causing errors. – erronous grayscale conversion could cause unwanted gray rectangles in the job. Build 12: – the TCP communication enhancement of 9 caused the new print engine wizard of the Client to fail; Build 11: – PM startup could be slow (up to 10 seconds) if the history contained thousands of files, due to an algorithm that looked for orphan history files (that is, which have no references from the INI files, and therefore needs deletion); now with binary search it's fast; – although the Windows GDI driver was fixed for build 541, it's been forgotten to be included to the install kit, now it is. Build 10: – build 9 didn't work due to a trivial bug, fixed; – further Epson devices added (such as SureColor P600); – new feed adjustment mode implemented (P600 compatibility); – certain pattern fills could kill the PS engine; Build 9: – the Engine properties window did not always appear; – the preview system returned black bands in certain situations; – in some complicated cases (rotation, negative etc.) a few pixels on the edges became corrupt on the final output; – the Client-Server and Server-PM TCP communication has been made safer by the proper handling of the situation that a connection was closed while data has been passed to it. build 8: – The Epson driver of v4 was slower than v3 is for constant density modulation (e.g. constant 40% density applied from the Engine settings, Inks tab), due to the enhanced functionality of the v4 driver made is slower. Now v4 is speeded up again, so obsolete job styles using the old density modulation system will run on the same (or similar) speed as in v3. build 7: – the setup crashed on upgrading v3 calibration files. – mark positining referring to non-existing positions (e.g. right fold of a sheet or of a single page) could crash the imposition, now such marks are ignored. build 6: – visual interface problem (missing controls) affecting certain PC systems as well (seen initially on Macs); – caching positive/negative text marks vs. dynamic density modulation had a problem, fixed; – DV device added to Engines.ini; build 5: – creating raster proof job styles from density modulated job styles didn't turn off density modulation in the proof job style (making it slower and potentially causing corrupt output); – the high dpi support had a window scaling issue (larger empty space at the bottom of windows). – the DV driver did not work. build 4: – complex jobs could have missing objects; – empty media in negative mode wasn't initialized to black; – the imposition fix of 543 introduced a further bug (crash in the CachedIni.dll), causing locked jobs on certain systems after imposition. build 3: – Trapped bitmaps could be shifted by a few pixels. – The impositions and pre-press marks weren't rendered correctly with density modulation, especially in negative mode. Now the result is perfect is cases of decent usage. The two most important exceptions where it is still not perfect occur if non-constant density modulation is used in conjunction with negative mode, and (1) a halftoned area of a page is overlapped by another page (only possible with manual imposition, there is no page overlap with automatic impositions), or (2) a prepress mark with halftones has the 'overprint' option turned on (only possible with custom marks, all default StudioRIP marks have overprint off for halftoned objects). In these cases the density modulation will be inherited from the overlapping page, obviously the error is limited to the extent of the density modulation differences (that's why in case of constant density modulation the result will be just perfect in both cases). This inherent limitation of the DDM system will be solved in version 5 where the screening will be applied after the imposition. – demo labels, calibration page labels and black/white retouch were not DDM compliant (and could cause overinking), not they all are. build 2 – the calibration curve was interpreted in a wrong way when the Negative and the Invert dot shape options were both turned on (which was mandatory for Dynamic Density Modulation + Negative); – sizing/rotation/seamless things don't work for bitmap input (e.g. opening a TIFF or JPEG directly). – the values in the limits tab of the screening window were limited below and above 50%, now the only limitation is that the minimum values must be under the maximum values; V4.1, build 1 – the official release of build 547 ----------------------------------------------------------- Build 547: – seamless screening did not work; – in certain conditions a value of –1 appeared in the lpi field of the dot checked window; – exported job styles were sometimes altered by e-mail apps from unicode to utf8, leading to import errors; now even utf8 is read correctly; – translation interface completed, now all GUI elements are read from the translation INI files. Build 546: – Epson SureColor P series added; – drag&drop files to Client window had problems; – media settings changes weren't applied to the job instantly in certain situations; – clean install over multiple PM setups did not properly delete the other PM instances; – update issues in the media toolbar and job browser (controls updating only when the mouse was passing over); – the calibration list in the job style suggensted the dot gain order erronously; – various issues around the Pantone -> grayscale conversion (wrong conversion and crash); – the 'ignore dot gain/transfer curves' options did not work; – closing a docker caused the main menu not working; Build 545: – contone jobs didn't work; – smallest possible supercell option added (similar to smoothness optimized, but even smaller cells); – the screening system could fail in certain situations (typically for very small screens); Build 544: – certain controls on the Media toolbar (such as the orientation buttons) didn't work; – the add new engine wizard failed to create job styles; – new option in the Epson driver: force head scans on empty areas (for improving registration accuracy); Build 543: – the imposition could take too much time, leading to INI file timeout errors; now the imposition is made as 'time consuming-type' task (that is, the job is locked, imposed, and then unlocked), allowing preview or other commands to be executed while the imposition is being performed; – similar pantone colors could not be identified as such if the 'merge similar...' option was checked; – crash on pantone bitmaps with convert spot to process option turned on. Build 542: – the trapping code had overflow issues, causing failed trap shapes on large trap sizes (close to 127, where overflow could happen). Build 541: – the gdi (Windows monochrome) driver did not work since the new Engines.ini system was introduced; – some junk files got into the Inks folder of the; Build 540: – the 4K handling made the executables not compatible with XP anymore, now StudioRIP is XP compatible again; – the server side of the print calibration did not have the Ignore transfer curves option implemented, with the side effect that the pages were printed immediately; – the uninstaller seemed to have a compliation error, failing on port uninstall; – the hint size on 4K wasn't properly updated; Build 539: – bad synchronization between preview request and job deletion could cause preview error messages regarding missing job.ini file; – flexo patterns did not show in the GUI; – error messages regarding DeviceSettings.ini caused by sync issues between drivers fixed; Build 538: – simultaneous startup of StudioRIP executables (e.g. several Print managers at last setup step) could result in access conflict of the language files, fixed by forcing read only mode; – dot shapes coming from the PS/PDF file resulted in corrupt dot shape; – dot shapes coming from the PS/PDF file did not cache properly (the same screen could be used by several different shapes); – the dot cache mechanism wasn't safe enough (stopping a job during dot generation could result in corrupt dot file that had to be deleted manually), now it's supposed to be bullet (and power break) proof; – the 'black or darkest color' option in the pre-press mark dialog worked only for CMYK, not it uses the neutral density value, and works for any color; – the 'InkName' and 'InkShort' options did not work in the TIFF naming convention; – the ink duct control bitmap exports did not work from Client side; – resolution and compression options added to the Client side of the ink duct control dialog; – the ink duct export type option available on the Mac version (before the Windows-type Save dialog controlled the export type, which did not work on Mac); – the use of port range 4020–4040 denied (instead of an error box, the port will be silently replaced on server side with an automatically assigned valid port); – the job priority management failed to process pre-press marks on non-normal priorities; – in demo mode the larger pre-press marks are watermarked (this is a must to avoid a backdoor for processing jobs without watermarking), but then the watermarked marks are cached and used even if the dongle is plugged in; the new system uses a separate set of cached marks for normal and demo modes to avoid this problem; – the progress in the raster proof generation (from exisiting job) is now smoother; – the raster proof generation (from existing job) could not be stopped; – the raster proofs generated from existing job did not inherit the calibration settings of the source job, which did not affect the accuracy of the printed result (the calibration curves are only used during the profiling process, the actual proofing uses just the 1-bit data), but it caused inaccurate onscreen preview; – browse button added to the 'revert to backup' combo box; Build 537: – the Client didn't start up (crashed during boot) on certain computers Build 536: – Job priority management added with the following functionality: (1) if there are various job priorities in the queue, always the higher priority jobs will be processed first, the lower priority jobs will keep waiting in the queue until all higher priorities disappear; (2) if a job arrives in the queue with higher priority than the currently processed job(s), it will start to process in parallel, without stopping/pausing the lower priority jobs; (3) simultaneously processed jobs have the same process priority (no speed difference). Example#1: a low priority job is being submitted beside normal priority jobs, it will wait until all normal priority jobs are processed, and only then it will be processed. Example #2: a high priority job is being submitted beside normal priority jobs: it will start processing in the moment it's been submitted, the currently processed normal priority job will also keep processing, but then no further normal priority jobs will be processed until the high priority one is finished. – the responsiveness of the server icon popup improved (during job processing it could have a delay) – the server did not exit properly during job processing – the splash screen DLL was forgotten from 535, so the splash was faulty in high dpi environment – the ruler was faulty in high dpi enviroment (too dense) – the edit boxes with units still displayed unwanted digits (e.g. 5.012 mm instead of 5 mm), now it's supposed to be OK – the halftone could be shifted (appearing as broken halftone, visually as a lighter/darker horizontal line) – jobs with too many overprints could fail on the second page (the memory was properly initialized only for the first page). Build 535: – full high dpi support: all StudioRIP executables (client, server, print manager, device manager, setup, uninstaller) will work on maximum resolution on 4K monitors or other high resolution displays. The client can be also fine tuned for custom scaling; also small aesthetical improvements have been made on server-side executables (e.g. new icons). – the preview system did not use all processor cores. Build 532: – in certain situations (such as using patterns) the color handing was faulty, resulting in very light colors (@Guntis); – trapping could crash (@Andrew); – Pantone colors got wrong neutral density values, resulting in faulty trapping (@Andrew); – certain workflow tasks (such as ink duct control) could have wrong output if the 'Do not print until checked' option was unticked, and a plate was released to the PM while other colors of the same separation were not ripped yet; from now on a plate is only released to the PM when all separations of all pages of the sheet are processed; – drag&drop did not work in the client app; – imposition save did not work; – slow tasks (e.g. generating profiling pages) could crash at the end because a logging command. Build 531: – the preview system is much faster for impositions (before we performed time consuming open/close operations for each instance of each prepress mark); – the export command could fail in certain conditions; – the imposition related size controls had rounding issues (e.g. 400 mm changing into 399.98 mm on a given resolution, caused by the pixel conversion), now we do a smarter rounding; – reprocess command sometimes failing; – two access violation bugs fixed in client; – crash recovery in the Client app: most crashes would only appear in the log, but would not kill the app. Build 530: – Trap step limit option added to the trapping options, defaulted to 8. This is a sort of resolution of the trapping, the default 8 pixels meaning that if the trap size is greater than 8 pixels, the trapping will use a reduced resolution, equivalent to the resolution where the trap size would be 8 pixels. For example, if the black trap size on 2400 is of 16 pixels, and the limit is set to 8 pixels, then the trapping will be done on 1200 dpi (where the black trap size would be 8 pixels). Note that the resolution reduction won't be very exact, in the case above the result will look better than 1200 dpi. Build 529: – jobs with many overprints could fail; limit increased, later versions will solve this in other way; – certain error types in RasterCore triggered a read from the console output ('error, press any key to continue...' type message displayed in the GS console), which on its turn locked the Server app, and made it impossible to stop the locked RasterCore; these error handlers are now removed, and the Stop button is supposed to work in any condition from here on; – colors with only case sensitivity differences (e.g. 'Pantone 333' vs. 'PANTONE 333') could cause a mess in the files and their references, leading to various symptoms (wrong preview, raster proof crash); – the 'merge similar pantone colors' option wasn't implemented in v4. – jump to sheet fix in Client; Build 528: – page numbers of empty imposition pages could not be changed - Loading print Engine Properties in causes client crash - Pre-press marks visible in job browser Build 527: – the Server didn't work in service mode (client-server communication dead). Build 526: – the raster proof generation could fail if the job was also checked for immediate output (so it was outputting while processing). Build 525: – if the 'Launch client on startup' option is checked in the Server's settings, the Client will be only launched if no other client is already running. – a base can be set up for the TCP ports in the Server options dialog (defaulted to 9100), allowing the operator to avoid conflicts with other apps using the same port range. – further logs added to the preview system. Build 524: – the client-server communication rewritten, it's supposed to be much faster and more stable now. Build 522-523: – removed because of bugs Build 521: – Gravure dot gap option added to the Limits tab of the Dot settings dialog, converting dot percentage into the gap (in microns) between two gravure screen dots; – Search filter was applied to history even after filter was removed; – interpretation issue regarding overprints; – the server side history cleanup could display a date/time conversion error. Build 520: – the ink duct control did not work as workflow task (due to job lock security); – the GUI (typically the menu) did not work well during intensive server activity; – job style save and export operations could fail because of the previous bug; – there was a memory leak in the item manager (e.g. quickly checking/unchecking jobs could lead to out of memory condition). Build 519: – a temporary processing bug was left in 518 Build 518: – The Print manager had a small chance to crash at the beginning of jobs with certain drivers (such as Tiff output). In most environments this didn't cause visible stability problems (crashing less than once per year), but outputting thousands of pages could trigger the bug. The crash could have various symptoms (access violation, scan line index out of range etc.). – The proof color management box got unticked on processing, making proofing impossible. – The compsite option of the image export dialog was producing separations. – RasterCore: colors could become 25% of origial value in certain conditions. BUild 517: – multiple curves can be converted into one, or the result of multiple curves can be visualized using a new button in the calibration task of the job style; – critical multithread problem in the preview system: while the preview requests coming from client apps are serialized, other preview requests (such as sending to PM, loading from PM, exporting image, generating proofs, dotmeter tool etc.) could cause multithread conflicts, resulting in crash, corrupt output etc. – the RasterCore initialized the checked state of the media items after the PS/PDF processing has been finished, so if the job has been output to the PM while processing, it restarted from the first media item after the processing end; – outputting to the PM while the PS/PDF processing wasn't finished was unstable (if there were no further pages to send to the PM, the job got unchecked). – the image export dialog did not disappear in certain situations after generating the files. Build 516: – the PM displayed an ugly error message for each corrupt TIFF file (created when the TIFF writing process was interrupted for some reason), now silently deletes any corrupt TIFF files; – the preview generation failed in certain situations (such as raster proof generation). – the PM displayed memory leak reports due to a wrong compile directive. Build 515: – client side image export rewritten, single PDF is generated, and the progress bar updates correctly; – any change in the sizing task (resize, rotate) caused the bleed information to be lost; – a client crash fixed – various interpretation bugs fixed Build 514: – after sending down files to the PM a 'cannot open job.ini' error appeared sometimes; – output K first option added to job style > imaging task, removed from server options, and working properly in v4; – angle tolerance option added to the screen settings; – Multi-select items and Remove misses one item. – Import-export crashes – MAC RH/SAM - Reprocess option does not work – MAC RH/SAM - When clicking on property of a job. The properties window does not appear Build 513: – the new creep didn't work with perfector – the 'open copy with job style' functionality was unstable (occasionally opening two copies) – changing page numbers in manual imposition mode didn't work correctly – critical client stability fixes Build 512: – the creep functionality rewritten (creep available for any binding style, push in and out creep); – negative gutters allowed; – if one ink name contained the other (e.g. 'Black' and 'Pantone Black 123'), the preview/output was corrupt; – various bug fixes in the Client app; Build 511: – angle tolerance setting added to the screen dialog; – ink related marks failed on sheets with no pages; – v3 to v4 upgrades didn't use the right order for the dot gain compensation and linearization curves; – certain PS jobs came out on 25% intensity; – K-only calibration page wasn't fully accurate (the new one is CMYK rather than grayscale, and therefore accurate), typically having white dots in 100% tints with steep calibration curves; – paper feed adjustment calculator added to the Epson engine setup dialog; – Epson driver: small dots can use the secondary channel in 4-channel mode; – Epson driver: inner piexels (typically larger black areas) can use the secondary channel in 4-channel mode; – Various bug fixes in the Client app Build 510: – text mark length issue (for example ink names weren't placed properly); – random white pixels in bitmap trapping; – crop rect snap fixed when resizing; – changing pagenumber when the page is rotated; – calibration: no resulting curve showing – export image would not close, and was not working when with only client installations – can't add new Icc profile from client machine – missing colors bug fixed – no reprocess when page is selected – reprocessed combined jobs warning – media view rotation buttons fixed; Build 509: – the mutex mechanism preventing more than one server to run didn't work across user accounts (user mode server could started up near the service mode server, and remote desktop servers could also start up simultaneously); – even when the mutex mechanism worked, sometimes the second server did not shut down properly (but instead keeping the processor on 100%); – the negative mode with the invert dot shape turned on did not work properly for bitmaps (affecting inkjets with dynamic density modulation turned on from the screen settings); – the page range in the print proof dialog was updated always based on the number of pages (though in the case of imposition view it should have been done based on the number of sheets); – the problem above caused a RIP crash, now it won't crash even if wrong page range gets through. – the trapping module didn't read the right density information from the Inks.ini file, resulting in faulty trapping. Build 508: – the combine job feature didn't work in 507 – pre-press marks built on TIFF files will be processed in the same way as it happens for normal jobs (e.g. a 2400 dpi mono mark be read directly rather than passed through the interpreter engine) – mono TIFF files will be read directly even if calibration is turned on (while contone TIFFs will be passed through the interpreter engine as before, if calibration is turned on); Build 507: – Deleting a plate could mess up the client app – Some functions don't work as expected when multiple jobs are selected – Calibration: no resulting curve showing – Showing incorrect cached data when logging on Build 506: – DI driver not working correctly since the dll name has been changed; – the setup failed to update icons and splash screens if the previous installation was done from from CD; – backup tool added (right click the Server's main icon); – the Epson scan fading is done from here on with cosine fading (instead of linear), it's supposed to be smoother; – b/w marks that had to appear on all colors with erased background did not work; – access violation fixed in the i32 driver; – perfector jobs with fixed cell caused page misalignment; – deleted pages still appeared in the imposition; Build 505: – lpi value cannot be edited in job style (@Rolf) Build 504: – an item manager bug could crash the Client at random times (it typically happened with impositions or other operations with many changes); (@Rolf) – a debug file creation was left in the RasterCore, filling the StudioRIP data folder root with hash test files; (@Adam) – closing the server was unstable due to a memory leak; (@Adam) Build 502: – deleting jobs from the PM unchecked all other jobs in the queue (@Adam) – generating raster proof was sometimes corrupt (shifted parts overprinted) due to the lack of buffer initialization (@Rolf) – combine command is now disabled for pages – item renaming more save (special characters, empty name etc. solved) – imposition toolbar negative button wasn't properly updated, mirror button erased the negative setting – an ItemManager crash fixed – dockers sizes remain proportional after resize – Print manager icons lost in separate window – Print manager docker wasn't removed when the PM was opened as window – new folder command in item manager was unstable – Item manager icons disappearing during processing – 'show this dialog box' appears now only with the Open command (but not on the job style edit) Build 501: – Composite jobs with pre-press marks created extra plates like '&Cyan'; (@Boti) – The pre-press mark dialog didn't have the last ink type (force all inks); (@Adam) – threading changes in the proofing module affected the Print manager too (@Rolf) – normal jobs didn't go down to the PM after printing a proof because of the lack of initialization of the proof object (@Adam) Build 500: – Starting up without dongle > Abort causing crash (@Boti) – Proof wizards failing due to some threading changes (@Rolf) – history cleanup settings with values of over 2 GB not treated correctly (Expert print – Ádám) Build 499: – the Device manager error boxes bug (hopefully) fixed (@Rolf) – the Device manager icons didn't show their enabled/disabled states, now they do. (@Adam) – the Device manger now shows the display name of the engine instead of the engine type (which can be different since 497). (@Adam) – the job sytle export could fail for large SD4 files (@Adam) – TIFF files with different resolution than the job style locked the RIP into a state that no more jobs were processed (@Adam) – the demo label inscription is now using the OEM name rather than StudioRIP (@Rolf) – the high-speed direct bitmap input was chosen for RGB/CMYK bitmaps, leading to corrupt data or crash, now they're passed to RasterCore (@Adam) Build 498: – Custom folder read only issue fixed (@Rolf) – Icons not changed always on v3 to v4 upgrades (@Rolf) – Move to root failed (@Rolf) – Interpretation problem when color names had space in the front or at the end of the name (@Andrew) – Reprocess failing for jobs in the root – Bug in the job rearrange module (@Zazi) Build 497: – bug fix: if an output hot folder did not exist during the upgrade, and it didn't begin with the '\\' network prefix either, the installer replaced the path before the last folder name with the standard StudioRIP data folder (so for example the X:\Whatever\ path was replaced to C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\Whatever\ if the X: network drive was unavailable at the moment of the upgrade); (@Rolf) – Improvement: the setup always replaces the 'C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\' prefixes of the hot folders with '[RIP]\', making the created job style more portable. (@Adam) – Improvement: the engine name can be specified in the Print manager, so for example instead of '2 Custom TIFF output' you can set up 'Fuji Luxel CTP', making the user interface more understandable for the operator. (@Expert print - Ádám) – bug fix: in case of the engine's display name and its section name in the Engines.ini file didn't match, the engine wizard didn't display the name correctly (@Adam) – Improvement: the combo boxes now work in the Windows way (e.g. quickly typing 'eps' while it is dropped down will choose the 'EPSON' item). (@Ádám) – big fix: the job style could be edited in the Print manager; now it won't let to save any changes. (@Expert print - Ádám) Build 496: – bug fix: missing pages in an imosition (e.g. page 16 of an imposition of only 15 physical pages) appeared with the wrong size; now it is defaulted to the size of the first page of the job. (@Andrew); – memory leak fixed in RasterCore; (@Zoltán) – Up-down edit boxes couldn't receive focus properly; – ComboBox crashed for space button; – Certain controls didn't refresh properly; Build 495: – interpretation bug: in certain conditions the incoming dot shape definition crashed RasterCore. (@Hungarian customer) Build 494: – client compiled with Delphi XE8, possibly new bugs introduced, hopefully old ones fixed; – the pre-press marks are messed up in certain conditions, typically placing calibration bar instead of any mark (@Rolf + Bucharest customer, replicated by Boti); – stopping a proof job crashed the print manager (@Adam) – job cannot be stopped while pre-press marks are being processed (@Adam) – the Force CMYK output option crashed on composite devices since v3 (@Bucharest customer - Adam) – the halftone information wasn't properly collected in certain cases (possibly irrelevant – maybe it worked correctly when it had to) (@Adam) – some functions don't work as expected when multiple jobs are selected (@Rolf) – Drag and drop in Job Browser only works with single items (@Rolf) – Unselecting jobs messy in dockers (@Rolf) Build 493: – Konica-Minolta FD-7 spectrophotometer support added – X-Rite i1 now primarily appears as X-Rite (but also appears as Gretag-Macbeth) – trapping ignored in certain cases (vector treated as bitmap) (@Tipographic-Zoltán) – job reprocessing doesn't update the job.ini in time, causing problems such as the pre-press marks won't processed if the Imopsition task is checked and reprocessing occurs (@Rolf) – snapping in manual imposition had various issues, now it's much better (@Adam) – small objects cannot be moved in manual imposition becuse the bleed resize cursor will appear instead of the move cursor – contrast increased between selected and unselected objects in manual imposition view – scroll bars weren't Windows style (clicking under/above the current position didn't do page up/down, but instead moved the position to the pointed place). (@Adam) – there was a bug in the moiré filter of the preview module causing crash (@Rolf) – removing marks from a sheet with no pages resulted in error (@Zazi) – small typo (file feletion instead of file deletion) – when the Rip is set to use mm if you edit an imposition the gutters are in cm (@Rolf) – the client crashed after deleting multiple pages (@Zazi) Build 492: – Mac garbage filtering simplified: all files with '.*' structure are cleaned out. (@Rolf) Build 491: – new types of Mac garbage files filtered out from hot folders (@Rolf) – crash caused by job names starting with space sorted out (@Rolf) Build 490: – negative flag wasn't applied on direct read of TIFF files (@Rolf-Adam); – TIFFs with extreme strip size failed in StudioRIP. The TIFF spec created the strip concept to cut the image data in pieces that can be easily handled by apps, and recommends the strip to be of reasonable size that fits easily into the RAM of any app (they talk about 8K). However, Adobe Photoshop saves TIFFs in single strips regardless of their size (just got one file with a 2 GB strip) – this killed StudioRIP. For such idiotic apps we have now changed our TIFF reader code, we deal with any strip size now. (@Rolf) Build 489: – the Server crashes when started up without a network connection (@Adam); – dot cache (.sd4) files used by a job style are also exported with the job style export, this is extremely useful for slowly generated dots such as inkjet printing job styles using dynamic density modulation (dot generation can take minutes, up to an hour), or stochastic screens; (@Adam) – a bug in the dot file name generation fixed (FM dot generation with different black and white dot size could fail); (@Adam) – GUI problem in the screen test window (the columns sometimes got resized in the table); (@Adam) – the automatic connection to the server improved. (@Adam) Build 488: – the IP support didn't work for the Stylus Pro range (the printer blocked after the first printed page) because the TCP connection wasn't closed properly (@Rolf) – an interpretation problem (@Rolf) Build 487: – an error in the SC-T and SPx700 sections of the Engines.ini fixed (@Adam – Hungary beta testers) – IP numbers written manually into the engine parameters box weren't properly copied (@Adam – Hungary beta testers) Build 486: – IP support for Epson and HP drivers (@Adam) – the engine list is split into Manufacturer, Family and Model fields (@Adam) – the manual rotation in Imposition view didn't work correctly for pages with unequal bleed (typically for imposition-generated cases where the gutter edge cuts off the bleed), now there is an option to rotate the page together with the bleed box (that is, the visible part of the page is fully rotated), or keep the bleed box as is, and rotating only the page content. (@Rolf) Build 485: – applying a mark changed the view to Composite (@Rolf) Build 484: – administrative changes in the TIFF handling (affecting both the Server and PM); (@Rolf & Adam) – drag&drop of the job browser allows now reordering pages and sheets. (@Rolf) Build 483: – opening TIFF files will avoid RasterCore (and therefore will be much faster) if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the TIFF file resolution matches the job style resolution, (2) the TIFF file is mono/contone setting matches the job style setting, (3) the sizing, dispro, calibration, trapping and post processing tasks are turned off. (@Rolf) – small improvements in the code of the View from PM command (eye button). (@Adam) Build 482: – the setup app always unchecked the startup check boxes, instead of keeping the existing startup settings in case of upgrades – now it keeps the existing startup settings; (@Adam) – Print managers started as system services from the setup app did not have the right service name (space missing), therefore I believe the PM settings dialog did not see the PM as being started automatically; (@Adam) – Move to root button on media removed (@Rolf) – Drag/Drop page reordering does not trigger bug (@Rolf) – Heidelberg test page crash (due to halftone reading bug in GS) (@Rolf) – Jobs could not be viewed from Print manager or History since b476 improvement ([RIP] vs. data folder) (@Rolf) Build 481: – interpretation crash (@Guntis); – print manager reordering feature (@Rolf); – false alarm about corrupt installation on certain StudioRIP systems that are set to start automatically, caused by the delayed startup of the StudioRIP Administrator service; now the Server waits for the Administrator service 60 seconds before displaying the error. (@Adam -- seen at local customers) – the Create copy command of the item manager did not select the newly created copy. (@Adam) – jobs opened from a client app will be selected in the given client app (@Zazi). Build 480: – Twin LLK+LK and Twin LLK + Yellow modes added to the Epson.dll (@Rolf - Meganano) – dot chunk removal now works with higher values than 10 pixels (@Rolf) – further item manager crashes fixed (@Adam - Emailul Mediaº) Build 479: – convert spot to process failed for certain jobs; (@Guntis) – stopping the job that was being sent to the Print manager from the Job browser made the job disappear (or, in case of multi-page jobs, to start outputting the next page); (@Adam) – the job styles have been scanned each 5 seconds instead of being scanned only when a change has been detected, causing system overhead in the case of large number of job styles; (@Zazi) – various further Item manager issues caused by b475 optimizations, such as corrupt multiple select on view change (e.g. Separations view -> Imposition view) or lack of update on job browser status bar; (@Adam) Build 478: – the automatic startup option of the Server app did apply if it was checked, but on the next open it wasn't checked (it did not read the value properly). (@Guntis) Build 477: – The Perfector option in the Press profile wasn't compatible with v3, now we have 3 states for it (off, always and sheetwise). If it's set to Sheetwise, it will create PPF files with 2 pages (front and back) only if the used imposition style was sheetwise. The Always option will work as v3, i.e. always creating PPFs with front and back pages (first sheet always front, second sheet always back, regardless of the used imposition style). This system is now supposed to be backward compatible with v3. (@Guntis) Build 476: – the print manager hot folder appearing in the Saving TIFF task of the job style had the entire path (e.g. 'C:\ProgramData\StudioRIP\Print manager\Hot folder\') rather than a path relative to the RIP's data folder (e.g. '[RIP]\Print manager\Hot folder'), making the import/export of job styles less workable; (@Adam) – crash in the client when the a print manager is selected in the print managers combo in Job style > Saving TIFF; (@Adam) – crash in the client when a job is deleted (caused by optimization of 475); (@Guntis) – unchecking the Imaging task did not disable the file output. (@Guntis) Build 475: – the Setup failed on v3 to v4 upgrades if the 'All colors' curve was empty in a job style, but the other curves were not (@Guntis); – the radius of the dotmeter tool wasn't applied correclty after changing it with CTRL (@Adam); – the combine jobs command created corrupt jobs on jobs with marks (leading to failure of sending the job to the PM) (@Rolf); – speed improvement of the item managers (handling now easily very large number of items); the job browser became slow and unresponsive for a large number of jobs (@Zazi-Tipographic) Build 474: – the dynamic density modulation failed on negative jobs – the above fix needed the introduction of a new setting in the job style: 'Invert dot shape in negative mode', which can control whether the given dot shape should be as its defintion on the negative film, or on the positive media (i.e. whether using the round dot shape the the star shape will appear on 10% or 90%), this setting being forced for dynamic density modulation. – the convert to monochrome option has been tested and improved. Build 473: – the dynamic density modulation done from server side could over-ink if an aggressive calibration curve was applied – the scale of the pre-press marks did not work – the calibration wasn't applied on pre-press marks Build 471: – various PS interpretation problems; – the job style wasn't shown for print manger jobs; – due to a HASP driver problem checking the key too often caused a TCP port congestion in the system; now the key is checked less frequently, no congestion on Win7. – page deletion had a bug; Build 470: – failure to connect to print managers (typically from imported job styles) could cause HUGE delays (20-25 seconds of inactivity on server side); now the connection attempt happens in separate thread that does not block the server; – the engine wizard of the client was unable to connect to host (rather than IP) based addresses; Build 469: – the preview could show visible lines between imposition pages of the same color due to the wrong moment of applying the calibrations; – the engine setup dialog sometimes didn't work from the job style; – the negative ink spread compensation GUI was missing; – small GUI issues. Build 468: – the JPEG export wasn't fixed in 467, now it is. – the print manager docker's main tab could become invisible if by mistake a user dragged it to zero width, now it has protection against this. – there was a rotation bug in the preview/rendering (Preview.dll) module, causing faulty output for rotated impositions. – changing the positioning settings in a job's job style did not refresh the media view. – protection against empty TIFF file format field; – Convert DeviceGray to Gray checkbox bug fixed Build 467: – the engine list in the Print manager docker was only based on the job style, and in case of messed up job styles it could contain wrong hot folder information; now it is based on the physically detected print managers too, which having benefical effects such as (1) running print managers are visible even if there are no job styles pointing to them, (2) the hot folders of running print managers are always correct, therefore viewing jobs from print managers should not fail with file not found error (as it could happen before). – the tiff output section could be messed up when the declared and actual hot folder of the PM did not match, now it works ok; – the CachedIni sometimes failed with 'Cannot open XXX.ini file', now it has a smarter and longer timeout procedure, hopefully it will avoid failure on system overhead situations. – the JPEG export didn't work for some reason (possibly version conflict). [ADDED: it wasn't fixed, see build 468] – reprinting from the Print manager will always create new history job records. So far (including v3) the reprinted pages were often grouped under the original history job record, resulting in increasing number of pages in the history job. Subsequent reprint operations on the same job therefore reprinted the job 2, 4, 8 etc. times. – a bug causing occasional Item manager crash fixed – split job did not work for plates, and erronously the button was allowed for sheets – move to root button added to history jobs – the print managers were not seen on fresh install, when the engine wizard started too soon – test proof wizard columns did not refresh Build 466: – the RasterCore process is now always stopped by the administrator service when the RipServer.exe process stops; – a log file was hardcoded to the default ProgramData folder, causing crash on custom installations. Build 465: – multiple screen types per page not working in certain cases; – convert spot to process not working well in certain cases; – other small interpretation related bug fixes. Build 464: – splash screens without alpha channel are now accepted too as 24-bit BMP files; – check boxes were removed from history jobs. Build 463: – marks with overprint turned off were displayed correctly in composite view, but were rendered with overprint on separations devices (including Media view); – the Merge plates command crashed; – the item management sometimes crashed (typically for delete operations, but not only). Build 462: – the new ItemManager.dll wasn't updated in b461 Build 461: – the Print managers are found automatically by the Server (including networked ones within the LAN, using UDP broadcasts); – the connection towards a Print manager is now as simple as choosing the right PM (no mess with IP, instance index, port, path – all these are now automatically set up); – the Clients automatically find and connect to the Server app within the LAN (using UDP broadcasts); if more than one Servers is found, a list of available servers is displayed; – the color of first item of repeating marks were sometimes faulty. Build 460: – on a v3 to v4 upgrade the installer created a new calibration curve for each reference of the same calibration file – now it only creates a new file when necessary; also, the naming system is smarter; also, the the .cal and .neg files are removed on upgrade; – the calibration system crashed when non-monotone calibration files were imported from a v3 upgrade; – the color checker now shows relative colorimetric colors for CMYK (i.e. the paper white is shown as pure white on the screen), it was quite confusing to see orange-pink-gray-yellow paper colors; the Lab colors are still shown in absolute colorimetry though (otherwise colors out of the CMYK gamut would not be shown correctly). Build 459: – colors of separation plates weren't preserved when sent to the PM, so all pages were black when they were loaded back from the PM to the job browser – the left side of the color checker worked in absolute colorimetric mode (i.e. white shown as a dirty color) – the dot gain compensation wizard wasn't initialized, so on second use it displayed erronous values during the measurements (final result wasn't affected) – the the windows printers failed to create when the job style was in a subfolder; the '\' is now replaced by '/' which is now allowed by Windows in a printer name – a the user can can force the creation of a windows printer of a job style even if the number of allowed printers is exceeded (until now it was confusing and frustrating that checking the printer creation box didn't do anything when the allowed printer number was reached) – a RasterCore bug could sometimes crash – the bleed box wasn't preserved on scaling – the contone output could sometimes crash for rotated bitmaps – the disable color management for text/vector/etc. option didn't work well – the last used job style wasn't properly saved (open dialog and print calibration dialog) Build 458: – stochastic screens were saved with sd4 extension but with srd contents, causing locked RasterCore/Server; – calibration box not wide enough (Asana); – the cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks in the Ink manager could become corrupt (RGB definition) in case of upgrade from old v3. Build 457: – rotated jobs could crash the RasterCore engine; – the halftone proof wizard destroyed a resource twice on exit, causing access violation.